Kinda getting a bit crazy about this!  Picked up a couple new ones this week!



Boker Thuya Wood Lockblade

Boker Copperhead



A Boker 1981 Collector Stockman




A German Eye Brand in Stag




My Growing Collection!

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Thanks everyone, ya I have learned alot in the past couple weeks.  My mad money I call it goes alot farther and I don't have to horde it up near as long to get my next fix!!  I found a nice Boker at a flea market today that I drive by every week going to the range, and have never stopped at.  Walked in and out of five buildings and saw the tree emblem from 5 feet away.  I strayed away from my stockman copperhead theme but couldn't resist it at 20 bucks out the door!   I will post pics in a bit.


Really nice looking knives.

Well we sure want to see the new one that followed you home!

This one came home today, I beleive it is a Appalossa Canoe.



Well said Robert.

Robert Burris said:

There are far worst things you could do as a husband, than collect knives. Knife collecting is a nice respectable and rewarding hobby, that transcends age, sex, race and philosophical views. Enjoy the history and industry of the knife.

Good looking knife Brian. I go to some spots to search for knives but honestly there are few in the country. Sometimes I talk my wife into going to a Farm Auction and I might find knives:Keen Kutter

Kind of like this old Keen Kutter(Pardon the poor picture I have to take a new pic of this knife!) Picked it up at auction for $14! what a deal for a working knife like this!

Nice looking Canoe Brian, I think we are all a bit crazy, but this is sure fun and interesting. You have a nice collection.

Steve, that was a great buy on that Keen Kutter, great working knife.

Nice start, great pics too!

See Steve that one would go in my pocket and go to work!! Nice find!!

I am embarrassed at the number of knives Larry has!  You would think someone who can make anything he wants would be happy but NOOOOOO I have 2 curio cabinets full of OTHER makers knives and there is no telling HOW many is in the shop hidden away.  The thing is Tamera is just as bad!!

I can understand how a person with Larry's talent and ability would see and appreciate the work of others with the same talent and ability.

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