So, you got a Stockman, wanna show it off? Here is your chance. even though you probably have the picture in your albums, post it here! You can either add an image to your comment by clicking on the camera icon, or you can attach a file, either way we would like to see your stockman.

one rule though.... it has to be a stockman!!!

Tags: fame, hall, of, pictures, stockman

Views: 15452

Replies to This Discussion

here is one that i have...

I will try to post pictures soon. I don't currently have any of my knives photographed. So getting them out and trying to get decent lighting for good pics will take some time. Right now I am very busy (usual excuse) and need to "make" the time to do it. I like the iKC Stockman Pattern Group image you posted. That's cool!
thanks Sunil, i am glad u like it! i like designing stuff like that. i go to school for Computer Aided Design, so its pretty easy. i also make the greetings that you see some of the iKC members use. if you go to the iKC Gift shop you can see some of my other designs....
Greets, Glad to be aboard, Here is my "Kutmaster" Its a every day carry knife I use for "light" tasks, whittling sticks etc. Glenn

Here is one you don't see everyday. Its a 4" stockman with walnut handles made by Chicago Cutlery.

very nice Knife Rome! i love the handles. thanks for sharing
This is a group of 3 3/4" Stockmans that S&W released. They may not be the best in the world but they are stockman.

I post these pictures in the hope that someone will see something they have never seen before and enjoy.
Got this one not too long ago and the picture came out a little dark(gotta get better picture taking skills)

hey nice knife Hog! thats a beautiful one!
thanks for sharing!
thank you! Got this Christmas and just gettin around to picture takin. A litlle dark but hey its a CASE! ! One of the few I have in my collection.
Glenn .. nice kutmaster !!
I agree very nice Glenn!


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