Hey everyone I hope everyone likes the Amber Stag on the lock back trapper. The way they sold out so fast I'm guessing you did. We still are waiting on the trappers to come in sorry I don't have pictures or anything. I still can't give you much new info either all I can tell you is that we have a few different projects brewing and should have them avaible to the public soon. I was also going to take the time to say to the loyal knife fans out there that all know what were doing right now if you want to put your name down for some of the Tuna Valleys that are going to be coming out I cant give you much info about the knives but I can put your name down or you might contact Greg Holmes or Ken Mundhenk. All I know is I'm getting more and more calls for people wanting to be dealers and order knives but I'm DONE TAKING DEALERS and the knives I get to sell are getting spoke for. So like I said I just wanted to throw that to some people early and give them a chance to think about it. Enough of that though I know its no secret that The Daniels Knife Family loves kids and for the ones who didn't know Courtney is pergnant again so we do have another knife sellsman coming. Are family truly beleves in the passing of knife knowledge to kids if we don't than are insane hobby dies off. I can remeber all kinds of people that tolarated me when I was little and if you think I'm a loud talking knife nut now you hadn't seen anything. One thing I used to hate when I was a kid was when I would walk up to a dealers table and do all the things my dad had taught me to protray meself in trading. Like dont touch without asking saying yes sir and the whole 9 yards and that grumpy old man ( that probally didn't know as much about the knife as I did haha) yelled at me to get away from his table. Now I understand some kids are let loose and it could be a very expessive knife so I can see being very catious around a high dollar piece but this wasn't more than $50 which I had the money in my pocket. Thats another thing my Dad taught me never hold or look at a knife that you don't have the money to pay for just in case something happens. These men that wouldnt give me the time of day would also be the ones complaining about not selling something. Where I'm getting with this whole thing is everyone that is in the hobby has good expierences and some bad just like life but us knife nuts we need to make sure when see youth give a slight intrest in knives we should encourge it becuase I think its great for kids. It teachs them about history, money, math, life lessons, social lessons, an more. Rather its your own children, grandchildren, siblings, or friends I think it is something we all could share with other people. So after this long post lets see those kids collections.




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Replies to This Discussion

Great pics Ryan, congrats on another little knifer. I'll be praying for the little guy/girl to be healthy through and through.

Great topic and thanks for sharing.

I think we need to get more of todays youth involved in the traditional knife world. Too many are wowed by the flippy, tactical, blackhawk knives. There is a lot to offer in this great hobby, I look forward to sharing my collection with those who are just getting started. 

sorry I think I deleted these


I have been putting some back for my grandkids. I will post some pics later.

I'll try to get a few out of the safe also for the grands

Have not had a chance to get into the safe.  Just ordered a new one for our Lady Savannah.  She is our knife girl at 3 years old

Hey Ryan,

Would you consider adopting another child? I'm available and you don't even have to put me thru college or pay for any weddings! OK,LOL,  just kidding there but I wish I had parents who started a knife collection for me as a kid! Nice bunch of lady leg knives there. I have two sons who will split my collection. That should make for a good feud!


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