
Knife Sharpeners

Who does not want a sharp knife? If it does not come from the factory that way, or if your knifemaker only put a "safety" edge on it...you want it sharp...right? Join us as we explore ways to do just that!

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pull through sharpening aids//Fast New Bevel

Started by richard m bissell III Nov 4, 2020. 0 Replies

Grindstone city, history of a unique grrindstone

Started by Jan Carter. Last reply by allanm Jul 25, 2017. 2 Replies

Knife Robot: World's First Auto Knife Sharpener

Started by Steve Scheuerman (Manx). Last reply by D ale Mar 18, 2017. 17 Replies

WIcked Edge owner experiences....

Started by AlecsKnives. Last reply by John Bamford Jul 14, 2016. 4 Replies

USB microscopes ?

Started by John Bamford. Last reply by Jan Carter Jan 31, 2016. 34 Replies

I'll sharpen your knife for free (except return shipping)

Started by Jack Haskins, Jr.. Last reply by Kees ( KC ) Mension Dec 7, 2015. 11 Replies

3 dimensional pivot point on sharpening tool.

Started by Thomas Lofvenmark. Last reply by Thomas Lofvenmark Nov 29, 2015. 4 Replies

Smith's 2-Step Knife Sharpener

Started by Charles Sample. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Nov 28, 2015. 9 Replies

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Comment by Stephen L. Corley on January 4, 2016 at 0:05

"Dont sound like much but to me this is a big step forward in free hand sharpening."

For 30 years I couldn't sharpen a knife. Now, for the past 13 years I've been steadily getting better. Keep at it. You'll steady get better. 

Comment by john garcia on January 3, 2016 at 21:28
Hi everyone, been at it still and finally has a little sucess. I have a case 63032 it is a medium stockman with cv blades. Got all three blades sharp enough to whittle out a little boat about 4" long from a piece of aspen wood from my wood pile. I say sucess because the knife is still sharp and it smoothly enough that i enjoyed what i was doing. Dont sound like much but to me this is a big step forward in free hand sharpening.
Comment by Thomas Lofvenmark on January 3, 2016 at 16:45

For about 15 years ago a myth was created that convex edges was superial other edges. They are not. They are just a type of edge along other types of edges.

Convex edges work fine in meat. A flat dge work dine in vegetables. Convex edge are nice dor chopping wood - butvarcreally bad dor whittling in wood. Flat edge are perfect for whittling wood - and so on.

When you by a knife, choose the typ of edge that work best dor what you shall use the knife to do. It really is as simple as that.

There is no superial edges - and no bad edges either. It is just that people use the wrong edge to do something antoher type of edge do much better...and hold for...

This are alsonthe reason that surgents use a scalpel and shoemakers use a a shoemakers knife. If they change knifes - no one of hem can work. That is the reason why we have so many different types of traditional knifes. They are all designed out of use and ro solve a specific job.

Comment by Thomas Lofvenmark on January 3, 2016 at 16:33
There are many differerent types of edges out there. All work good. Convex edge are one of those. Itbis not a superial edge of any kind,mitbis good for some things - qnd bad for other things - just as all tye other edge types are.

John, have you sharpen your knifes by free hand they are all convex, not flat. It starts very slow. The edge will first be little convex,then slightly convex, then a little more convex... You cannot stop this - but - if you understand that this is a fact - you can start to delay it :)

I lived for 20 yars, 6 month per year, in the wilderness and sharpen my knifes byvfree hand. I could se whats happend to them and I understood why. After 6 month my egdes was really convex after daily maintanence shapening.

Convex edges work fine outdoors - so invid edges are absolutley not bad at all. They are good for butchering meat - and really bad for whittling wood - and good for chopping wood.

Comment by Howard P Reynolds on January 3, 2016 at 16:14

I have a few fixed blades that came with a convex edge, but I haven't used them enough to dull the edge.  I don't know if a convex edge is getting more popular or that I just noticed a bushcrafter or two re-profiling their knives to a convex grind.  A convex edge is great for chopping, but for kitchen (slicing) knives, I think the standard grind is better.  I put a primary and secondary bevel on kitchen knives.  As was stated by others, a convex edge is a little more forgiving since it is recommended to use a spongy mouse pad under the sandpaper, and the sandpaper will sort of wrap around the edge ensuring contact with the very edge.  The leather strop and sharpening compound is also "softer" than a bench stone, and you get a keen edge pretty quickly.  I don't know what the convex guys do about nicks and gouges.  1000 & 2000 grit sandpaper isn't gonna cut it, so to speak, to get rid of nicks.

Comment by john garcia on January 3, 2016 at 15:35
Its not intentional but my knives all seem to have some bit of a convexed edge on them just due to my inconcistant angle. I read that a convexed edge is good for doing the tail feathers of a branch rooster whittling project!
Comment by John Bamford on January 3, 2016 at 14:31

There you go Jan from the man himself !!

Comment by Thomas Lofvenmark on January 3, 2016 at 14:06
EdgePal Chef works differently compare to EdgePro. The principle are similar - but not the function.
EdgePal have a built in protractor, no other tool have this. EdgePal Chef have a 2 dimensional pivot point. The pivot point kan be moved up and down to get the wanted degrees - and forward an back to adjust the pivot point after the blade width - so that it allways are 28 cm distance between the pivot point and the cutting edge. EdgePal Chef are with rhis function adjustble for blade width. Becouse of this function, Chef can have a built in protractor that allways shows the correct degrees.

The grinding tables use magnets to fix the blade in grinding position. The blade can not move - and the user do not have to hold the handle of the knife during the sharpening process. With Chef the user can work with both his hands.
With a fixed blade the precision increase a lot. The edge will be absolutley flat. With Chef can the user make a absolutley flat edge - and then increase the sharpening angle with 1/100 parts of 1 degree - and grind a new surface on the cutting edge ( see picture on my homepage) 0,01 higher then the first surface - all along the edge, from the handle tomte tip. No other tool have that precision in angles - and the user control the angles.

Chef are also the only sharpening tool that can sharpen convex edges. Not only sharpen them, Chef can maintain them in the exact the same convex sphere they have - or grind a new edge and sphere - with wanted degrees onnthe xutting edge - and wanted degrees onnthe xonvex sphere. No other tools can do this.

With extra equpiment can Chef:s pivot be three dimensional. With this function can a very long blade get exactly the same edge angle all along the edge inclusive the belly and the tip.

Chef can do more things then this - but those are the big differance between other sharpening tools and EdgePal Chef.

EdgePro are a very nice sharpening tool. The big question are what need the customer have. Are you a normal user that like to have a sharp nice edge - by your self an EdgePro. If you like precision and control of what you are doing - EdgePal Chef will work perfect for you.

It is impossible for a human to hold a constant edge angle during free hand sharpening. I wrote that for many years ago and got everybody against me. Today it is accepted. The explanation are simple. If you hold a knife in one hand and the sharpener in the other hand are 34 joints involved in the sharpening process from the shoulder out to the finger tips. Just look at a insustrial robot - how many joints do they have :) - and why so few?

34 joints, muscles and so on cannot come below 3 degrees wobble on the edge - per side.

If you have a laser pen. Tape it on the blade. Use a sharpener on a table. Mark on the wall the edge angle you like to use. Mark also at least 3 degrees up - and down, on the wall - and start the sharpening process. The ideal is that the red dot dont leave the angle mark you did.

What you WILL se is how the red dot are dancing on the wall - far above, and below, the ideal mark... When I am out on fairs and show my tools I also have a laser pen with me fixed on a small magnet - and a big sharpener. When people argue about that they can hold a constant angle I ask them if they like to show it. I show them my laser pointer, explain what this small tools shows. Most people dissapear in this moment - but some dont. When they start the sharpenig everybody around starts to laugh. The red dot are dancing all over the wall... I have use this laser pointer many times :) (but only on big angry assho...)

Conclusion: the best tool isbthe tool that work best for just you.

Comment by John Bamford on January 3, 2016 at 8:41

Jan this is the website for Thomas Lofvenmark's sharpener , EdgePal there are some similarities I am sure . Can't say that I know enough to say which is best , but I do like the look of this machine .


Comment by John Kellogg on January 2, 2016 at 21:10

I have found this is good for getting used to keeping your angle . It takes time and practice but with time you can freehand no problem.



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