Rough Rider Collector's


Rough Rider Collector's

Home of the Rough Rider. RR offers all of the great knife patterns from the past. Quality and affordable, a rare product these days.

Members: 92
Latest Activity: Dec 30, 2024

Rough Rider

Although an Import Rough Rider Brand by Smoky Mountain Knife Works continues to get high marks as a favorite for collectors.

Discussion Forum

And Then There Was One!

Started by Charles Sample. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Dec 30, 2024. 6 Replies

Rough Rider produced a series of twelve knives called the Rifleman Series.  Each knife has brown gunstock bone scales.  The shield is a Winchester Model 1873 lever action rifle, often referred to as…Continue

Blade thickness

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Nov 1, 2024. 7 Replies

As I posted in my last discussion on Rough Rider vs CASE, I'm having issues with the thinness of some of the Rough Rider blades.I questioned this on the Rough Rider Facebook page and was confronted…Continue

Unusual Model No. on a RR

Started by Charles Sample. Last reply by Kevin Oct 29, 2024. 8 Replies

I just got this Rough Rider RR22034BN orange smooth bone trapper.  I have never seen this type of RR model no. before.  Is it a new numbering system for RR?  Can anyone tell me anything about it?…Continue

New Rough Rider collector

Started by Susie Fitzsimmons. Last reply by Kevin Oct 27, 2024. 9 Replies

A couple years ago I bought a collection of knives from a man I worked with.  I gave $200 for 77 knives.  I gave it to my husband for Christmas.  He looked at it, enjoyed it then put it away for…Continue

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Comment by Tobias Gibson on December 10, 2015 at 14:53

My Rough Rider Deluxe "L'Hammy De Chasse" Mushroom Knife  (RR 1469) 

Form SMKW's website:

Slightly larger than the original if you prefer a heftier knife for your mushrooms, we call this one "the hunting hammy."

·440A Stainless steel blade with ridged spine
·Foldout boar's hair bristle brush
·Foldout ruler with 2-1/2" standard and 6.5cm metric marks
·Stainless steel liners
·Brass pins
·Lanyard hole
·5-5/8" Closed

The blade is not quite as sharp as other Rough Riders I've owned but it is sharper than most other Mushroom Knives I've bought with this style of blade.   I wonder if the blade geometry makes it more difficult to get a razor sharp factory edge.

I've only seen this style of scythe like blade of blade on mushroom knives.  The jimping on the spine is used to knock dirt off the mushroom.  This deluxe model also has the swivel mounted brush (to protect the bristles) and a  stainless steel graduated rule.

The knife knife has a small lanyard hole. I added my own snap hook after purchasing the knife.  Old (RR 1400) and new  (RR1469)  Mushroom Knives compared below.

I recommend either knife for the Mushroom Hunter who has/wants everything.  Both are excellent and will perform as good, if not better than other higher priced mushroom knives. They are solid and well made  with better steel  at a much lower price!

Comment by Billy Oneale on September 20, 2015 at 17:23
Nope, I do like the slow burn series. I may have to get the Trapper for me and the leg for my wife. I noticed the last SMKW catalog had some Colt stag for around $30.00
Comment by Tobias Gibson on September 19, 2015 at 16:34

Charles, yes the hight model numbers do indeed mean newer knives.  For instance the slow burn series is in the 1430s or so.  I think the 14 stands for 2014 but I'm not sure.

Comment by Charles Sample on September 19, 2015 at 1:49

Tobias, does a higher model number indicate a newer RR knife?

Also am I the only one who can't search on SMKW's web site?

Comment by Jan Carter on September 18, 2015 at 21:38


not a great deal of anything in the "new" category for RR.  I like the Cotton sampler and intend to get one, I am waiting to see if other handle options are going to happen

Comment by Tobias Gibson on September 18, 2015 at 10:35

Has anyone seen anything new coming from Rough Rider.   The last I saw was the cotton sampler below.  Any new handle material or new patterns?  Any new fixed blade offerings?

Comment by Tobias Gibson on June 28, 2015 at 7:14

My latest Rough Rider is their new Cotton Sampler in the Appaloosa Brown Bone  It's  a hefty knife.  I'm pretty happy with it.  I hope they make it in a White Smooth Bone, and a few other handle materials.   I also wish they'd offer that fish-knife in a few more options.   It seems like SMKW doesn't pay much attention to Rough Rider Collectors anymore.  They're concentrating more on Colts.  (Sigh!)

The new shield. Tey are reissuing older knives with this one but offering very few new patterns or handle material.

Enough complaining!  Here's the knife.  It's pretty durn cool!


Rough Rider 1422  Cotton Sampler

·440A stainless steel blade

·Brown appaloosa smooth bone handles

·Brass pins and liners

·Nickel silver shield and ringed bolsters

·Lanyard hole

·3" Blade

·Blade width: 7/8

·Blade thickness: 1/16"

·4-1/8" Closed

·Made in China


and a last shot comparing the folding Rough rider Cotton Sampler to the Old Hickory fixed blade Cotton Sampler

Comment by Terry Pitts on May 2, 2015 at 16:03

RR Sawcut and Smooth Red bones.

 Sawcut and Smooth Red bone RRs.

Comment by Terry Pitts on May 2, 2015 at 16:00

Compleat Set of RR Long Rifles

 Collection of Long Rifles

Comment by Tobias Gibson on March 9, 2015 at 21:46

I should also mention the glow in the dark handles do not photograph well.  Or at least with my crappy camera they don't!


White River Knives

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