The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
What is it about a good peace of stag that makes a guy just want to growl. The blacks, the browns or the red. The creamy whites and the yellows.
A guy at work brought a stag knife into work the other day. He had just got it in the mail. It had a deep groove down one side and thought it was a defect. I told him I thought it was about the prettiest piece of stag that I had ever seen. With a grin I told him if he really didn't like it I would be glad to give his money back. By the time…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on May 19, 2013 at 16:52 — 9 Comments
History of Handy Twine Knife James R. Caldwell, a U.S. railway postal clerk, invented the Handy Twine Knife in the late 1800's. In those days, the mail was moved by trains. Railway postal clerks were responsible for collecting and sorting the mail for delivery. While in transit, the clerks would use twine to bundle the mail for the next stop. The clerks carried pocket knives…
Added by Lee Smith on May 17, 2013 at 20:58 — 2 Comments
I have a thing for knives that where made in the 70's. I'm not sure why I just know I like them. I like knives made in other era's But it seems like they had a lots of knives that where really unique. That's when I saw my first Buck 110. There where the red bones that case made then that where something special.
Not that there making bad knives now. I find knives all the time that I feel like I cant live with out. They have better steels now than they have ever had. There are a huge…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on May 13, 2013 at 0:47 — 6 Comments
I bought this knife a year or so ago at a flea market for 20.00. I threw into my case and took it to work. I had a guy come up and asked what I would take for it. I popped off and said a hundred bucks. Well he bought it. Shoot I made a eighty dollar profit so I was happy. He cleaned it all up and brought it back to work to ask me what I thought about it.
Man it shined. That green bone just popped out. I told him if it had looked that good at the time I sold it to him he would have…
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