Here is a very nice, seemingly brand new Colonial Stockman that I snagged on the bay. It looked interesting in the photos, so I decided to go ahead and bid. Surprisingly no one else bid on it, mine was the only bid so I got it for what I consider a very good price. When it arrived I was happily surprised at it's size, (4" closed), and it's pristine condition, it looks like it was never used at all, with nary a scratch on any blade or handles. The blades are tight as can be with no wiggle and nicely centered, and I also like the anvil shield. The handles are jigged and have an interesting raised curve on it that I haven't seen on any other knife, but the handle material feels more like straight up hard plastic, so I won't call it Delrin. The handles have no hafting visible so I assume that is because of the type plastic they used. I have no idea of how old it is or what model number it is, but it seems as new as it could be, and is now destined to be a shelf queen.

If anyone has any helpful info on this knife please enlighten me. It's always a good day when a new-to-me knife arrives, so I'm off to enjoy what's left of a so far very good day.

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Comment by Robert Shilling on March 8, 2021 at 19:30

I got this same knife about 6 months ago on ebay, it was called 'anvil' , obviously. Nice full size stockman 

White River Knives

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