Bid NOW on another Wounded Warrior Project Auction!!!

Okay, it's time for everyone to get the word out that there's another Wounded Warrior Project Auction kicking off now! In fact over the next couple of months I'm going to try to have a couple of them.

There are a lot of new Great Eastern collectors that have joined our ranks since the last auction that might not know what the Wounded Warrior Project is all about. I encourage you to check them out. My wife works for the VA Hospital in Fargo, ND and has first hand experience with the physical and mental issues our troops can bring home after serving our country. 100% of the proceeds from the auction are donated to the WWP. Great organization.

I've decided the first auction I'll offer is one of the 735111EC Smooth Red Bone Tidioute's. This is an unserialized knife from a run of just 5 total knives made with the Smooth Red Bone handles. Very unique color and an outstanding collectible Great Eastern.

Here's how it works. To place a bid, just leave a comment to this posting with your bid. http://blog.tsaknives.com/2011/03/02/time-for-another-wounded-warrior

Bids will be accepted until Midnite CST Saturday, March 19. Questions?? Email me at: greg@tsaknives.com

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Comment by Jan Carter on March 3, 2011 at 18:13
I have heard that the link is not working for some folks.  The article can be accessed through TSAknives, on the blog.  This is actually a cut and paste version.  Bids will be accepted until Midnite CST Saturday, March 19. Questions?? Email me at: greg@tsaknives.com

White River Knives

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