Know I know that seems like a unexpected request here but hear me out.


10 years ago I felt like an anomaly, a woman that loves knives. 5 years ago I started seeing more and more women at shows, looking at knives for themselves. That was cool. Within the past 5 years I have met many more women willing to admit they admire knives, we just don‘t seem to band together the way men that appreciate knives do. There are three blogs I watch daily and 2 more I check frequently. IKC is the only one that offers a space for women in the knife community to share our views with each other. I have begun a new group called Bladesmith Babes.  Now even if you are a women that appreciates your kitchen knives more than a pocket knife. That’s OK. I am very fond of mine also. I know women that hunt and are particular about the type of knife they carry even though they don’t carry one in their everyday lives. I have recently been reading articles by women wood carvers. Now that would be a joy, a job that works with these magnificent tools.

So what I am asking is…While we are on a drive to raise our membership to 3000 by the 4th of July, do YOU know a women that needs a knife place to call home?


If so, send them to IKC…Let them know Bladesmith Babes are looking for members and friends.


Views: 194

Tags: Chicks, Knife

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Comment by michaela rohrer on June 13, 2011 at 22:33
Hi there Jan, I don't know if I need to DO anything to join the Bladesmith Babes (cool name)- but if I do let me know.  I am not a "smither" as I don't make knives, but I have a small collection and I like them a lot.  Will introduce a couple friends, as well, once I know if I'm in the right place.  GREAT IDEA to have a place for the babes. :)
Comment by Jan Carter on May 23, 2011 at 18:38


I see some wonderful friend join in here.  The ladies seem a little shy.  I know Ricks lady likes her fantasy knives, Billy's wife has her own collection of sweet Leg knives.  Wayne says he knows a few. How many of the rest of you have ladies that like knives.  Let them know we are giving them a place to voice their own views.  Are any of you friend with the other ladies on here?  I have sent them all invitations to join, maybe they need more encouragement

Comment by Jan Carter on May 17, 2011 at 21:48
God bless you both Billy.  Thats a handful of love and Joy!!
Comment by Billy Oneale on May 17, 2011 at 21:45
I have already started breaking the 7 year old granddaughter into knives. She has cut herself already and the way she screamed, you would have thought she was dying. She did learn to move her hand when closing a pocket knife. She did it on one of the leg knives her Nana gave her. It wasn't serious.
Comment by Billy Oneale on May 17, 2011 at 21:41
Jan, they are boy 1, boy 2 and a girl 7.We raised the 7 year old from birth and the 1 year old. We have had the 2 year old since he was 18 months. They are from the same daughter.
Comment by Jan Carter on May 17, 2011 at 16:43

Hey Everyone,

I have to say the support is wonderful and I appreciate your spreading the word.  Thank you everyone for the confidence.  Billy I would love to see her on here.  How old are the grandbabies she is trying to keep busy?

Comment by Billy Oneale on May 16, 2011 at 22:29
GREAT!, Jan. I'll have to try and talk my wife into this. She likes leg knives and miniatures of  knives and swords. She tries to keep our 3 grandchildren that we are raising busy during the day while I go and work. She is usually exhausted by bedtime.
Comment by Wayne Whitted on May 16, 2011 at 21:19
Knife Chicks unite! I know a few.
Comment by Jan Carter on May 16, 2011 at 19:39
Thank you Stephen, it is always nice to have support of friends.  You join in here anytime you would like.  Your always welcome
Comment by stephen tungate on May 16, 2011 at 18:49
you go jan if any one was qualifed to run this site it would be you.your friend stephen....

White River Knives

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