Cold Steel Irish Blackhorn Walking Stick

Well, I didn't expect to find this, especially around here.

As stated in the title this is a Cold Steel Irish Blackhorn Walking Stick, (not to be confused with their Irish Blackthorn Shillelagh which has longer knobby things on the stick and sells for less). Smokey Mountain Knife Works sells these for $46.99, (when in stock), which is the reason I didn't buy one when I visited the store, the price was just a little high for me that day, (though I kinda wanted one, I collect canes when they are affordable). I prefer "natural" canes/walking sticks, but the fact that this can double as a formidable weapon made it more attractive. I also have a genuine rattan stick that doubles as a weapon, and is guaranteed to not break if you smack someone in the head with it, (bought at a gun show), but it is very lightweight so I'm sure this thing would be far more deadly in a fight.

Fast forward to today, I walked into a small local thrift store, and there in the umbrella stand was this walking stick, I pulled it out and was more than a little surprised to see the Cold Steel logo. Looks like it was barely if ever used, it's length of 37" is perfect for me, and the knob fits my hand perfectly. The best part of the entire deal was the price. It wasn't marked so I asked the guy working there how much, he said "how about $5?"; believe me, I couldn't get to my wallet fast enough. After I paid him I told him they went for around $50 online, all he said was, "well, IT IS a thrift store after all"!

So, I finally got one, glad I was patient and passed on a new one at SMKW last year, sometimes patience pays off!

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Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 19, 2017 at 10:10
Mountains and the beach are always a big tourist destination.
Smokey Mountains in the fall are simply crazy.
Troubling fact is that the changes that these destinations undergo to promote and accommodate tourism, in the long run, ruin the initial charm that brought people to begin with.
My family is from the North Georgia/Southern NC area. If any we're still alive, they wouldn't recognize what the area has become.
Comment by Syd Carr on June 18, 2017 at 22:32

I know you're aware Jan, you guys like me live in a beautiful spot, I guess I can't blame people from elsewhere wanting to be there. My only wish is that they put a sign up at the edge of town that says, "California Driving Laws Apply Here". I swear you'd think they never saw the ocean, and I am constantly amazed how they will quite literally stop in the middle of the road when they see the ocean, & then while driving they point & go, "Oooo, ahhh", all the while ignoring every other driver on the road creating a complete traffic snarl, (not to mention the "Camp America" rental RV's with maniacs at the wheel). It's like they go into a trance at the sight of the water. I know they love the place, and that the community needs their business, I just wish they would have a little empathy for the locals who have to endure their idiotic driving.

Comment by Jan Carter on June 18, 2017 at 20:46

I am oh so aware Syd, out season here has just begun and I already have to go to town through the back side and don't go down on the weekends.  But that's ok, they are a large part of the economy and you know how small our town is

Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 17, 2017 at 21:22
And a Bubba Stik video, just for fun...

Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 17, 2017 at 21:18
If y'all liked Cold Steel's video, check out United's...
Comment by Syd Carr on June 17, 2017 at 19:14

Ha, I won't smack anyone Jan, (unless they need it!). Actually, since it's a "holiday" weekend, and it's up to 105 degrees just five miles inland right now, the sweaty masses are invading my beautiful 65 degree fogbank. I was asked earlier what was I doing this weekend and I said, "throwing rocks at tourists!", which is a common sentiment among locals here. Sigh, living in paradise comes with it's problems!!

Comment by Jan Carter on June 17, 2017 at 19:07

ok, take the cane for a walk by the beach and watch the goings on.  But for goodness sake dont smack anyone with it LOL.  If California ever takes it into evidence it will never come home!

But enjoy it because it WAS  a steal and it is awesome!

Comment by Syd Carr on June 17, 2017 at 14:37

Well, I have a choice today. I can either go to any of many events happening locally this weekend, (I live at the beach), or I can spend the day watching the dozens and dozens of reviews posted on YouTube about the Irish Blackhorn Walking Stick. I was aware of this product of course, but had no idea how popular it was. Thanks again to JJ. I guess if you invent something that can be used to bash heads and not break it will find an audience, and it will fill them with a desire to go out and beat the p**s out of things and then put it out on YouTube; amazing, (and maybe somewhat disturbing). Every "Ninja Boy" in YouTube universe, (and there are lots of them), seems to have one of these and loves to show it off to the world. I guess I scored more than a good deal, I apparently scored a legendary weapon!

I suppose I better enjoy it while I can, because being from California I can imagine it being banned soon.

Thanks again guys!

Comment by Syd Carr on June 17, 2017 at 14:06

Thanks for that YouTube link JJ, I saved the video. I knew Cold Steel did a lot of dramatic videos using their products, but had never seen that one. I can imagine watermelons screaming and running away when they see me with that Blackhorn!

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on June 17, 2017 at 11:02

!! . OUCH . !!
Granted .. one probably wouldn't have the chance to swing it like a baseball bat as seen in the video .. nonetheless .............................


!! . OUCH . !!

White River Knives

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