Stopped at the mini mart just down the street today, and when I came out I was approached by what I thought was a panhandler. However, instead of asking for spare change the guy asked if I wanted to buy a knife!? He handed me this Cold Steel Counter Point II and said, "I'll take $5 for it". I wasn't sure exactly how much this was worth being an import, but I figured $5 was a good deal nonetheless. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I handed him a fiver, got in my car and drove home. I checked the bay and lo and behold these knives sell new for around $50, so my educated guess paid off. Not necessarily my kind of knife, but a deal is a deal is a deal.

Check it out, cool little knife, reversible belt clip, tight, sharp as a razor, indestructible. Works for me!

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Comment by Syd Carr on July 16, 2017 at 13:27

Thanks Ellis, I'm happy with it for sure. I might cut an inch or so off the bottom though, a length of 35" works best for me, but this comes at 36". I'm looking for an appropriate pad for the bottom right now. I know Cold Steel tries to put out a quality product, so I'm satisfied with it.

Comment by Ellis H. Roberson on July 16, 2017 at 12:53

Don't fret, Sid.. Cold Steel is good stuff. I do prefer the USA made but the others aren't bad. You done Good!!!!!!

Comment by Steve Scheuerman (Manx) on July 7, 2017 at 12:12

Nice! I like those. It's on my list...lol. I'm much the other way though. I prefer the newer styles over the traditional patterns. And Cold Steel makes a good knife. Great score there!

Comment by Syd Carr on July 1, 2017 at 20:09

Well, I knew enough about the brand to suspect it was a good deal, and according to the guy he had no money on him at all. I just hope he spent it on food and not on drugs or booze. It's a very nice knife though, well made indeed, I looked it up on Cold Steel's website and they are selling them for $90 there: 440C, hardened aluminum liners, space age handle material, etc. I'm not used to seeing import knives at that price though, personally I'd rather spend that kind of money on a domestic "traditional" knife, but like I said, "a deal is a deal".

I'll likely sell it on the bay or possibly at the antique store when I get that situation going, (soon I hope). I have all the things I need to get a showcase up at the local antique store, but my back went out this week, so that will have to wait for a few days. I wasn't feeling well enough to go on a yard sale cruise today, so having this knife land in my lap was nice. I'm hoping to feel up to a swap meet crawl in the morning, but only my back, (actually neck/shoulders to be precise), knows for sure.

Comment by Jan Carter on July 1, 2017 at 18:26

WOW, a good deal and a good deed all in one!  Not your typical way to win on a deal !

White River Knives

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