Even though I have been having some medical issues lately, my desire, (ie; addiction), to acquire new and different slipjoints continues unabated. Though I was unable to sit at the computer till recently, (had an epidural last week so I am able to sit up a little better now), I still managed to find a couple of knives that were in my opinion "must haves".

A friend in the BCCI, (Buck Collectors Club), suggested I begin looking for Camillus "clones" of the 300 Series knives that CC made for Buck in the latter part of the past century. With that in mind I found these two Camillus Congress knives assuming they were the same frame as the CC-made Buck #322 Congress, (wrong). First is a #712 "Congressional District" 4 blade Congress w/ a serrated blade, (cool!), and a #709 "Yellow Jacket" 2-blade Congress; both in smooth Delrin. Apparently my assumption was wrong, they are definitely NOT the same frame. As you can see in the comparison photo, other than similarities shared by all true Congress frames, the Buck Congress was obviously made on a different frame. Whether that means there is another CC-made Congress out there that does share the frame I don't really know. However, clones or not I have a couple of very nice Congresses to add to my collection. Both are in excellent condition, seemingly little-used and factory sharp. Not a bad day on the bay I must admit!

As a Buck collector these don't necessarily fit the profile I usually collect, but I can't find a reason not to like these little gems. The serrated blade is especially cool in my opinion. I'm not sure whether "Congressional District" was a special order item or a normally stocked model, this is the first one I have seen, but the "Yellow Jacket" was a popular model. Both are examples of Camillus in their prime; such a loss.

Well despite this miscue, the "clone hunt" will continue. I know they are out there.....and I'll find 'em!!

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