Wow! What can I say? The last two days have been wild here at iKC.

If you just joined us- Welcome and I think if you take the time to connect with some new friends and knife discussions, you will love our community.

If you are an "oldtimer" member here (even though we've only been open for about three weeks), there is no doubt our heads are spinning.

When I started iKC I was all over it. I had a good feel for all that was going on and into most conversations. I hit the road yesterday about the time cutlerylover's vid hit YouTube and then I'm using my iPhone throughout the rest of the day to check and and see our membership explode (the phone won't let me interact, like send a reply or edit a page, so I am just watching the whole time. It is frustrating on me, as you can imagine).

I have to tell you. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I STARTED iKC FOR- ALL KNIFE COLLECTORS to share and connect- young and old. I also knew intuitively iKC was going to take on a life of its own, eventually, and would end up beyond my control. That is exactly what has already happened. iKC is alive!

It is like we accelerated a year's time in one day. If you are an oldtimer here you know exactly what I am talking about too.

All you have to do is log into iKC and then look at the community from a bird's-eye perspective. There are dozens of knife conversations or knife activities going on at any time. Every before the most recent new members joined, our community was active almost 24/7. Now when I get on- regardless of the time of day- there are folks enjoying each other's company- talking about knives or pics of knife, or vids or whatever.

I am amazed too with how quickly the younger guys and gals jumped on using iKC. Hundreds of pics were uploaded within hours. Quite a few vids are linked here now- knife reviews.

Passion? Tons of it. All you have to do is click 'bout any page and you'll find the knife passion displayed in comments, posts, pictures, vid, Chat (I don't know if you are aware but there is a Chat feature to our community. About 5 "oldtimers" had found it and used it off and on. My gracious. Now it is in constant direct-line communication. About every few seconds I hear the Chat chirp of conversation going on).

Sorry to run on here, but I'm proud and excited. I am proud knife guys and gals like knives enough to connect with total strangers in conversation through our community. We are making knife collecting history here. Plus, there are clearly different generational collectors who have now been bridged together!

Thanks. I'll jump back in heavy on Sunday when I get back in town (I get on now every chance I get...I'm sitting in Books a Million now while my wife and daughter are looking for a book....Heck, I brought my Mac. I don't need a book anymore. I have constant communication with you guys now. Plus, if want to read, I'll head over to the Early Amer Cutlery History Group :)


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Comment by Nick Arsenault on May 14, 2009 at 15:37
great job guy... if i tried i wouldn't even come close to the progress ikc has gotten... don't worry il stay and i wont wage war...lol

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on May 13, 2009 at 20:51
You are just the man we are looking for...I'm going to come stop by our place :) We need to talk.....yeah, an Antique Knife Collectors Group....sounds good to me....yeah..
Comment by DELBERT COVER on May 13, 2009 at 20:41

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on May 10, 2009 at 18:18
Thanks Anthony. I hope you do hang for a long time. If you have suggestions on how to make it better let me know.
Comment by Anthony G. on May 10, 2009 at 17:00
I can gladly state that I was one of those in the "population explosion" on iKC. I saw cutlerylover's video and decided to check this place out. I'm glad I did.

Great job with the site. I'm looking forward to being a member for a long time to come.
Comment by Nick Hansen on May 8, 2009 at 3:00
This site was a great idea. Brought a lot of us together.

We can all share a little info about our perspectives and reasons for what we collect and like.
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 7, 2009 at 21:32
i can't BELIEVE how much this place has exploded! you must be proud!

White River Knives

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