We have a really good conversation going. Lynsie Johnson, one of our members, added a thought provoking topic for discussion- "Do you feel that a knife is like a tattoo?" While the topic might be viewed a little "different" for a "knife forum" topic- it is stirring some really good discussion.

You know how conversations go- much like following a road- they follow the original thought for a bit then turn to the left and right, all the while still following the road, but maybe veered off topic, just a little.

And while the original discussion was how picking a knife is like trying to pick a tattoo. Tattoo's come in every shape and size, depending upon personal preference- just like knives. Well, we got off on getting a knife tattoo, somehow. Then in the middle of that discussion, Keelen Grimm, another iKC member, suggested he'd get a KNIFE IS GOOD tattoo- taking off on the LIFE IS GOOD phenomenon sweeping the county.life-is-good

I have to admit that while KNIFE IS GOOD is Keelen's original brain child, I really like it! It would have made a great slogan for the National Knife Collectors Association, but NOT!

With Keelen's permission we'll adopt it for ours here at iKnifeCollector. Now I just need to get a graphic artist to create us a logo for it.

Ten reasons why KNIFE IS GOOD!

1. Knives are FUN!

2. Knife people are nice people!

3. It's fun to hang with knife people!

4. Knives connect people!

5. People are one of the very few meanings of life!

6. Knives provide us an outlet for creativity!

7. Knives keep us off the street (and in front of my computer)!

8. Knives provide us a better way to spend our money- better than on debauchery, wild trips, fast cars, or plastic surgery!

9. Old knives provide us a window to the past and a hint of the future!

10. Knives are FUN! (or did I say that already?)

Care to add to the list- go ahead- what Knife is Good reason do you have?

Views: 56

Tags: community, discussion, good, is, knife, life

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Comment by Jerry Grimes on May 9, 2009 at 23:33
I would buy a Knife is Good t-shirt or hat. With maybe a little www.iknifecollector.com on it.
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 4, 2009 at 21:40
THIS IS SO AWESOME! You know my boy Lee is a graphic designer, maybe I can get him off his butt to make that slogan!
Comment by Keelen Grimm on May 4, 2009 at 18:56
12. For most guys food is the way to a mans heart. For me a knife is the way to my heart(but not literally! haha)
Comment by Keelen Grimm on May 4, 2009 at 16:40

Glad to hear you liked the idea. You have my permission to use it as the iKC slogan!


White River Knives

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