Knife makers of the Dutch Knife Exhibition part 3

Today we get started with a man who is soo precise with a hand file that he's gotten the nickname "the human CNC machine" among Dutch knifemakers.

His name is Gert van Elsen and he does virtually all his work by hand.

One of the things he loves to do is change the handles on the cheap Opinel into something more classy. These can be obtained from him at the low price of  €50 and look gorgeous. As you can see he's got plenty in stock in case someone is interested.

Every now and then he does a tactical style blade. In these you can see why he's gotten the nickname. They look as if they've come straight out of a production facility:

Whenever he's not making tactical knives (which he doesn't do many of) he works in a style that's heavily influenced by the scandinavians. Although they're still quite different from the actual scandinavian style the influence shows.

Next up is a friend of mine.

Theo de Leeuw (de leeuw is the lion) of Lion Designs is someone who tends to think outside of the box a little. His knives are quite distinctive and easily recognized as his. He often works with unusual materials or does something different with knives.

Last year for instance he had a number of purses that doubled as sheaths for a knife. This year (sadly) he didn't get around to something as outrageous and we'll have to do with cool handle materials such as this one. Which is a metal foil encased in resin.

And a lovely multibar damascus with mammoth ivory.

The next one is a Belgian who is an American Bladesmith Society member and gaining recognition in the US

Samuel Lurquin

He forges blades heavily influenced by the American Bowie style yet has a very cool style of it's own.

There there is a Frenchman who loves the american bowie style.

And Claude Bouchonville

Is very good at making that style, whether it be in a "simple" neckknife (of his own forged damascus)

Or a large bowie blade

(Also of his own damascus)

Last one for today is

Remy B. of B-Sharp knives

Who loves to do different styles and makes all of them sharp as a laser.

Whether it be a japanese style Kiridashi

A recycled file

Or a scandinavian style Puuko.

That's it for now. So far we've had mainle fixed blade makers. Tomorrow we'll start seeing some more folding knives.

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Comment by Brad T. on April 24, 2013 at 15:23

I really like the Lion Designs knives.

Excellent review. Thank you.

Comment by Jan Carter on April 24, 2013 at 5:21

From customized Opinels to  a very cool  Claude Bouchonville neck knife..  The mammoth is still a favorite for me.  Truly some very talented makers at this show Alexander

Comment by Chuck Parham on April 24, 2013 at 4:39

Totally awesome knives. True craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing!!

White River Knives

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