Finally recovering  a bit from cervical spinal fusion surgery, talk about steel, I now have a titanium plate/screws in my neck and am now getting ready for yet another surgery sometime in May, (rotator cuff repair), that one may require hardware too; sigh....

    Despite those distractions I have managed to obtain a knife or two that I will mention here. Just received this very nice Camillus-made Crossman 932A 3 3/4" closed wood-handled folder, (Ash handle I think?). I don't recognize the frame, I have a CC-made Trapper with a similar shape & size, but this isn't exactly a Trapper? Neither is it a Jack, (or is it?). The master blade is a liner lock, and the other similarly-sized blade is serrated, (the main thing that attracted me to this knife). It fits in nicely with my small-but-growing collections of both vintage Camillus knives and folding knives of various makes with a serrated blade, (I just love serrated blades!). An interesting knife for sure, beefy, lightly used and factory sharp. Apparently made for Crossman, (of air rifle fame), sometime before Camillus went belly up in 2006. If anyone recognizes this knife or knows what frame it is please speak up, inquiring minds, (mine), want to know.

I also picked up a few sundry Buck 300 Series knives but haven't taken nice photos of those yet, I'll post photos here when I do.

In the meantime I'm going back to my "day job" as a volunteer community sound technician, and will be running sound for this weekend's Morro Bay Kite Festival. I play the music for the pro kite flyers who do synchronized kite flying demos to music on the beach here in Morro Bay. The event attracts professional kite flyers/competitors from across the nation and the world, and this will be my 6th year as sound technician. It is also the first major event I am doing after my recent surgery so it's going to be a real physical challenge for an old gimpy goat like me....pray I don't vapor lock!

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Comment by Syd Carr on May 5, 2018 at 20:39

Thanks Charles, I thought so too. Took a bit of spray glue to keep everything together but it turned out well. I like having all of them in one basket so to say, though I have already rearranged them since I took the photo. I hope to include a NIB '72-'86 #313 Muskrat in Yellow Delrin soon, depends on how high to bidding goes.

Comment by Charles Sample on May 5, 2018 at 20:30

Good buy Syd!

Comment by Syd Carr on May 5, 2018 at 18:22

It's still spring so thought I would post this find, a box I snagged at a local thrift store for $3 that looks like it was made especially for pocket knives. Made for it or not it works great and replaces the converted kitchen knife box I had most of these in before. As well as holding my Buck 300 Series collection, there was room for all my other "special" knives, (mostly family related knives or special finds). Now all I gotta do is close & latch the box and run, good to have with all the various evacuations CA has had in the last coupla years, plus a good photo to have for insurance purposes.

Comment by Jan Carter on April 26, 2018 at 11:47

LOL Syd, While I dont bother even looking for a cure to the knife disease, I am beginning to think the new lower back repairs with a simple outpatient procedure may make my life more manageable.  Praying the rest goes well for you and I know you are enjoying your community again .

Comment by Syd Carr on April 25, 2018 at 22:18

Thank you Charles, so far so good. The fusion was almost miraculous in the way I recovered and feel now, not nearly as bad as any of my previous surgeries, (mainly due to modern surgical techniques). The upcoming rotator repair will basically be an outpatient procedure, with the only drawback being having to wear a brace for several weeks. I'm basically on a mission to get these things fixed, I mean I've got a 3 1/2 yr old grandson to get through little league so I need to be in as good shape as possible, (plus I have a large event to run in Oct 2018, hopefully I'll be more up to snuff by then).

Meanwhile the vintage knife disease progresses unabated by anything but money.

Comment by Charles Sample on April 25, 2018 at 21:10

I will be praying for you Syd.

White River Knives

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