Well, I was gonna wait until another delivery happens to post here, but this one arrived first and I like it so much I thought I'd go ahead and post it today. Craftsman 95068 Stockman, similar size as a Buck #303 Cadet, (3 3/8" closed for the Buck, 3 1/2" for this Craftsman). I have been wanting a good one of these for awhile, and this one is in splendid condition, tight & sharp full blades, no wiggle, little to no usage visible, a good deep cleaning and buffing and it will be like new. I think those cool brass bolsters will look even better than they look right now after a good cleaning, and doesn't the matching brass shield & liners make the thing just pop? I believe it is from the late 60's early 70's; why? Well, look at the pre 1971 Buck #303 Cadet next to it, notice the sexy curve they both have and the nearly identical handle scales? Both of those traits identify it to me as being made by Schrade. Other than the master blade shape and slightly rounded bolsters everything else is basically the same, a Buck #303 Cadet clone! That's why I've wanted one, so I could compare them side by side. I'm such a Buck fanatic I'm buying clones now, but what else ya gonna do in a quarantine? I think I'm going to carry this one for a bit, tis a good one to show off; maybe I'll even get a date?? I will be back tomorrow, (I hope), with an early 60's Buck #112 that is coming.

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Comment by Syd Carr on April 15, 2020 at 11:01

Thanks Mario, I carry it daily now, just in love with its solid condition and love the brass highlights, not too bad for a near fifty year old knife.

Comment by Mario on April 14, 2020 at 13:00

Finding a knife that is liked as much as you like this one is a great find.

Congratulations, Syd.

White River Knives

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