Ya'll should come to California April 15th for a yard sale with junk, collectables and some knives!  Well, mostly just for the sunshine!!

I enjoy going to some yard sales but I have never been thrilled about holding them.  But I have committed myself with fliers and all so I guess I am officially having a Yard Sale.

Hopefully I can sell some to buy some and then put up new pics of my new knives!  That's the plan...

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Comment by Lee Saunders on April 1, 2012 at 20:45

Sorry Robert, I don't mean to confuse anyone.  But I do it too often.

I am assuming you are talking aout one or both of these knives:

1) the antique Russell Navy Knife.  This is a large folder with one blade.  Aout 4.5" folded.  The blade itself is etched Russell(with the arrow thru the "R") over NAVY KNIFE.  The tang has Russell's usual markings for way back when.  <>R<> over J RUSSELL & CO. over   GREEN RIVER over  WORKS.  The reverse of the tang is blank.  It is often called the Navy Knife or the Civil War Navy Knife.  I posted a pic of mine in the recent post asking for help.

The other knife I am looking for is a switchblade

2)  the One Arm Man's Knife, sometimes called the One Armed Man's Knife or even sometimes a One Armed Man's Fork.  Sometimes called a fork because the blade has a knife edge with fork tines at the end. It is from the Press Button Knife company.  Also called the civil War Veteran's Knife.   Here is a pic of someone else's knife


Are those the knives that were confusing everyone?

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on April 1, 2012 at 20:20
Lee, try and explain the type of knife you are looking for, I think we, or me, are confused. Please try again, it looks like a fun project.
Comment by Lee Saunders on March 30, 2012 at 21:36

OK Ron.  lol

They are mostly older vintage knives that just don't fit my collection.  And not the kinds of knives you guys collect.  I need the money to buy some more Civil War knives. I'm still on the track of a One Arm Man's knife plus now another one of those Navy Knives.  This one has crystal clear etching on the lade.  

 Or a new 1911!

Comment by Lee Saunders on March 30, 2012 at 21:26

Thanks Jan.  And that's a good idea.

Comment by Jan Carter on March 30, 2012 at 18:03

Well good luck Lee, have some fun.  Ask everyone that comes by what knife they have in their pocket, maybe it will entice them to buy one

Comment by J.J. Smith III on March 30, 2012 at 11:14

Knives at yard sales are hard to come by around here.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on March 30, 2012 at 9:36
I have a friend and one of her hobbies is to go to Yard Sales and Flea Markets. She buys a little from time to time. I might mention that she's one of the wealthest women in Louisiana. So there must be some fun in going to them. She has her eyes open for a vintage knife for me.

White River Knives

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