You better hold me back, cause I'm getting mad

My blood is boiling. This whole thing about the restricting of "permitted knives" is really making me mad now.

I recently posted over at CutleryNewsJournal about what will happen if the will of the people is to restrict knives- I'm talking about the majority of Americans- to the point Congress doesn't fight this left-wing attack on our rights.

Well, now, the general public is getting in on the discussion and it's getting ugly. To date, the only "conversation" I have found web wide was from pro-knife folks- in the knife forums, iKnifeCollector, YouTube and traditional knife pubs- but now the mainstream media is beginning to write about this action of the Custom Service.

Obviously throughout the knife world- online and off- the comments are pro-knife, well, now that everyone is is getting in on it, they are not pro-knife anymore. And if you want to see the seniment of these other folks all you have to do is read some of their comments against knives and in favor of restricting them further.

Check out this post on by Bob Barr, a writer for the Atlanta Consti...

After the Obama Administration is through with us, I'm afraid only the apes will have knives.


Views: 137

Tags: ban, custom, knife, service, switchblade

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Comment by Seamus McGuinness on July 8, 2009 at 11:27
This is a good reason to stock up on knives. Food can wait.
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on June 30, 2009 at 11:43
Oh and what is going to happen to people who use knives everyday. I'm not just talking about civilians like you and me? What about an electrician that is holding on to a ladder with one hand and needs to open his knife quickly with his other hand?!! UGH!!! this just makes me SICK!!!!!
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 23, 2009 at 23:37
Seen more of them than I cared for.
Comment by Michael B on June 23, 2009 at 23:26
j.j your right but pocket knives are alot easier to conceal but most criminals dont go out and spend their money on knives they just grab one from the kitchen

by the way nice prison shank you got there
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 23, 2009 at 23:16
The question that begs to be asked is how many knives that the US Customs wants to regulate, are used to commit crimes ? I would imagine that most knives used to kill another person would be household/kitchen knives. (Just a thought) The idea that knives can be eliminated to reduce or prevent crime is ridiculous. After working in a state prison for almost 18 years, I can say that most anything can be used as a weapon...

Don't let the "Left" fool you, this is just another attempt, by this administration, to further restrict individual rights and have the population totally dependant on the Government.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on June 23, 2009 at 22:55
I agree, Michael.
Comment by Michael B on June 23, 2009 at 22:46
i find that most non-knife (sheeple) people think that this bill is going to cut down on crime but the truth is that criminals will still get their hands on knives and kill people.

if this bill passes i will still carry my assisted knife and they can pry them from my cold dead hands
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 23, 2009 at 11:03

Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 23, 2009 at 11:01
Socialism is an economic system. It uses government ownership of the means of production (e.g., factories) to direct the economy. It uses social welfare programs to promote universal employment, health care, and pensions. It is practiced, in limited form, as "social democracy" in much of Europe, which is part free-market economy (companies directing production by determining customer wants and supply and demand) and part state-run (mass transit [airlines, buses, trains], some critical industries). Socialism does not have to be democratic, though. Socialism is also very broad: some socialists want to nationalize all major businesses, some want to nationalize just a few. So, socialism is more a set of economic theories than a single ideology.

Communism is similar, except that communism (IN THEORY) is governed by the people, for the people. So, communism combines socialist theories of economics with political control. In communism, the role of the Communist Party is central, and it controls most aspects of society. Even motorcycle clubs are run by the Party. It is supposedly class-less, with everyone being equal, and all property being owned by everyone collectively, not by individuals. Karl Marx saw it as the ideal and inevitable system, but every effort to implement it has failed, at least partially because almost all people are generally self-interested and greedy most of the time.

Totalitarianism is a political system. In totalitarianism, the government is undemocratic in the extreme: it is a total dictatorship. Totalitarian states have a powerful secret police, no protection of individual rights, a leader who rules without political challenge in elections or serious political restraints of any kind, and similar traits. However, some normal authoritarian dictatorships have these characteristics. What makes a totalitarian government unique is ideology. The government wants to actively reshape the minds of the population, to make them follow a certain cause and believe in a certain way, changing the very nature of society. Totalitarianism, according to political scientists, is very rare. It existed in the Soviet Union for a time, but ideology became less important to the Soviets after Stalin died, so the USSR stopped being totalitarian. Nazi Germany is the other classic example of a totalitarian government.

So, communism, with its notion that the Party is part of everything, lends it itself to totalitarianism, but not all communist countries are totalitarian. Likewise, not all totalitarian countries are communist: the Nazis were generally capitalists, but their absolute dictatorship and ideology made them totalitarian.

Socialism and communism are very related. Both see the means of production as being owned by the public, not by private companies. Both try to create an egalitarian, class-less society, where the poor are given more and the rich are given less, so that everyone is closer to being equal. Communism is simply more communal -- with nobody owning private property -- and emphasizes the importance of the Communist Party as the embodiment of the will of the people.
Political scientist
Comment by J.J. Smith III on June 23, 2009 at 10:10
We are approaching his prediction… and it may soon be come a reality.

White River Knives

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