My blood is boiling. This whole thing about the restricting of "permitted knives" is really making me mad now.
recently posted over at CutleryNewsJournal about what will happen if the will of the people
is to restrict knives- I'm talking about the majority of Americans- to the point Congress doesn't fight this left-wing attack on our rights.
Well, now, the general public is getting in on the discussion and it's getting ugly. To date, the only "conversation" I have found web wide was from pro-knife folks- in the knife forums, iKnifeCollector, YouTube and traditional knife pubs- but now the mainstream media is beginning to write about this action of the Custom Service.
Obviously throughout the knife world- online and off- the comments are pro-knife, well, now that everyone is is getting in on it, they are not pro-knife anymore. And if you want to see the seniment of these other folks all you have to do is read some of their comments against knives and in favor of restricting them further.
Check out this post on by Bob Barr, a writer for the Atlanta Consti...
After the Obama Administration is through with us, I'm afraid only the
apes will have knives.

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