How do you use your knives on a daily basis? Which patterns, blades, etc... do you like for everyday tasks? Do you use knives for something most of us wouldn't think of? When was the last time you "grabbed your knife?"

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I am pretty basic I think I think but today I grabbed my knife to open packages.  And guess what?  Some of them had knives in them

I'll kick it off. I finally got my first canoe, a Case Amber Jigged Bone in CV. I love it, I've never been a fan of pen blades, but I find myself opening it far more often than I do the master. The little blade zips right through letters, cleans fingernails, and makes precise cuts.
Jan, that's the point of this discussion, the pleasure we get out of using knives for the "ordinary" things, and those special occasions, like opening knife packages! Thanks for replying.
Emory, I use a knife everyday. Sometimes more than one! Openeing feed bags, getting out stones from hooves, cutting hay bales.....you name it!

My favorite pattern is the stockman, I usually carry in my pocket or in a closed sheath on my belt. But again depending on the season and what I am doing I might just carry any pattern. Like my forefathers, a knife is very necessary tool on a farm?

I always carry my Beretta Bascula Gentleman's Knife. the size like 2.38" blade, 3" closed, and 6" full open. Sometime I use my Beratta Bascula cutting the package or envelope either.

I EDC both a Case Mini Blackhorn and a Leatherman Micra.  I use the Blackhorn most every day except Sunday.  (On Sunday I carry my Case Amber Jigged Bone Mini Copperlock.)  The Blackhorn makes a great letter opener.  Today I used it to open a package my wife ordered and to open and unwrap the parts of an office chair that I had bought and had to put together.

I use the Leatherman a lot too but not as much as the Blackhorn.  I use the fingernail blade to clean my fingernails.  I use the scissors quite a bit and the screwdriver occasionally.  I think I may have used the tweezers once or twice.

to open a pack of batteries for my trail camera. I also use a Camillus 72 for whittling.

I grabbed my knife to clean some catfish and then cut up some veggies to fry.

Ken, you reminded me.  I use my Mini Blackhorn when I change out the memory cards in my trail cameras.  I have to use it on one of the cameras to get the memory card out.

I just picked up a micra today at a " trash to treasures" sale. Looks brand new go $15! I have replaced my Vic Clasic with it on my key ring. I'm sure ill be grabbing it soon.
Used my CRKT Folts Minimalist Bowie neck knife to cut apples at breakfast yesterday.

It may be a little overkill, but I got a delivery of safety supplies and other warehouse essentials from Uline. 2 large baxes, "so I grabbed my knife" (Contego) and made short work of the packaging.  

I got in some new soap dispensers for my crews, but the tops of the dispensers are springlocked. This wouldn't do, "so I grabbed my knife" and pried out the plastic lock mechanism from the lids.

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