The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
I am pretty basic I think I think but today I grabbed my knife to open packages. And guess what? Some of them had knives in them
I EDC both a Case Mini Blackhorn and a Leatherman Micra. I use the Blackhorn most every day except Sunday. (On Sunday I carry my Case Amber Jigged Bone Mini Copperlock.) The Blackhorn makes a great letter opener. Today I used it to open a package my wife ordered and to open and unwrap the parts of an office chair that I had bought and had to put together.
I use the Leatherman a lot too but not as much as the Blackhorn. I use the fingernail blade to clean my fingernails. I use the scissors quite a bit and the screwdriver occasionally. I think I may have used the tweezers once or twice.
to open a pack of batteries for my trail camera. I also use a Camillus 72 for whittling.
I grabbed my knife to clean some catfish and then cut up some veggies to fry.
Ken, you reminded me. I use my Mini Blackhorn when I change out the memory cards in my trail cameras. I have to use it on one of the cameras to get the memory card out.
It may be a little overkill, but I got a delivery of safety supplies and other warehouse essentials from Uline. 2 large baxes, "so I grabbed my knife" (Contego) and made short work of the packaging.
I got in some new soap dispensers for my crews, but the tops of the dispensers are springlocked. This wouldn't do, "so I grabbed my knife" and pried out the plastic lock mechanism from the lids.
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