Can anyone guess this mystery?? I have no idea what it is. It has nothing to do with the camera - its the opposite direction. The deer is looking at it. Its in the woods. UFO - Ghost - ????

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I know I wouldn't go back there if I were you.

I would say it was something on the lens, causing a flare. If it was larger and between the flash and the deer, there would be a shadow. For same reason, I would say it wasn't beyond the deer, no shadow. Also, Consider the intensity of the reflected light, the farther objects  are in the picture the less they reflect light. I think this indicates the "U.F.O." is closer than the deer.  The fact the deer is looking that way is coincidental. The camera probably has a cover on it and that is where the piece of debris is. Just my two cents.

It is a speech bubble Ken the deer is just starting to think something but the shot was taken before it was fully formed.

I concur with John. It is a thought bubble.
I wonder if we could capture it and smoke it?

Brad T. said:
I concur with John. It is a thought bubble.

I dont know but sell it to Stephen Spielberg...There is a scary story there somewhere

My guess is that you caught someone out there spotlighting your deer.

I showed it to both my daughters who are both doctors and they said, holly crap.so I'm going with my. First idea ,don't go back there.

This post is about a year old, but still a mystery. I go to that spot most every day. I have shot a few deer there. And I get many pictures of deer and other wildlife but I have never since seen anything like this.

fluorescent deer farts !...................rofl

I am guessing it is a moth or other flying bug that got close to the camera/flash and between the deer and the camera at the moment the flash went off. 

There would be no shadow for something that small, and it would be blurred because it was flying and moving quickly. 

The bug would also be overexposed because it would reflect the light back into the camera since it was so close. 

Think about the look of the bugs in your headlights when driving on a road at night - kinda the same thing. 

Or it could be a UFO. 



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