Anyone got anything special planned by way of knife purchases in the coming year. As it is only my second year of being a knife collector rather than a person who just has a few , one or two , knives about him.  I was thinking of planning this years knives ,I don't really believe this will make it past March ! I have a Bill Ruple Trapper on the way, and a lovely looking thing it is too. Anyway having become a steel snob as well as a knife collector I am thinking that I should try a Falkniven , I suppose I should go for the slipjoint as locking knives are bad news here in the UK. They aren't illegal but you are supposed to be able to prove that you have a valid use for one if the police should catch you carrying one . An Enzo slipjoint may join it cos they do them with a Scandi grind and I don't have one. In one week Queen are telling us what they are planning for 2015 . Well I would like a large Stockman or Cattle King in ATS34 with a nice set of Rams Horn handle scales ,  thanks very much Mr Daniels .  As I said I doubt that this list will survive in it's current state for too long , but it's a start. Anything that I should look out for ? Have you got anything interesting planned ?

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At this point the only thing I have planned to buy sometime this year is a Case fish knife.  I intend to have Matt. 4:19 engraved on it.  I will probably get it sooner than later.

Made a New Years resolution, this year, to find something I really like.

Trouble is I like a lot of them.

That is my trouble too, J. J.  I like too many of them!  

After buying that GEC Dixie Stampede with wood handle and following up  with a wood handled Canal Street(genuine barn board from Kentucky)  I am sort of thinking there just may be more wood handled knives in my future!

Brad Cartwright recently built a beautiful friction folder. Really want to look in to more like that.

Oh JJ, he certainly did build a good one!

I dont know what direction this year will bring.  I just bought the new #90 heavy Jack from Queen for Donnies anniversary present and I like it A LOT!

If I have plans for 2015 it is to expand my Buck fixed blade collection.  Believe it or not there are a few I don't have yet.

I just aquired, what im told is a, factory display of Schrade Walden knives. Im not too sure if there is a market for this but i was wondering if you knew anything about it. My profile picture is a picture of the board.
Thank you for your time.


A good place to put this would be in the Schrade Group


Congrats on the aquisition 

Thank you so much for the info. Do you have any idea what something like this would be worth?

I do not but the folks in that group may be able to help we have some serious Schade collectors and a few have purchased those types of displays.  Also put the pic in the discussion for them to see clearly  Second icon on the left will add the pic

Im not too sure how to add pictures. Im hoping you can direct me. I see i can uplaod them here. Im going to try.
Thank you

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