With 2015 upon us, do you have any new goals?  I have 2...Live more simply and own a Tony Bose Tic!

With that being said Donnie and I are wishing you Beautiful Moments, Treasured Memories and all the Blessings a heart can endure for 2015

Tags: 2015, New, Years

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Steve, I hope to contribute more to iKC this year.  Specifically I would like to increase membership and participation even more in the Arsenal group.

And taking better care of my wife is a good goal too.  Her knees are part of her problem also.  Toward that end I am working on getting her one of those power chairs to increase her mobility.

Steve Hanner said:

I have a few goals I would like to acheive in 2015:

  1. Be a better Farm Manager with being able to spend more time on the farm(thank youJan)
  2. Take better care of my wife, yes we have 40 years of marriage but with bad knees I have to do many more things.
  3. attract more posting members to iKnife Collector.  My promise has always been to maintain iKC for the long haul. Yes, members come and go and thats unfortunate, but the focus will always be on contributing members who drive our success.
  4. About everything everyone else mentioned, as I am no different than anyone else and my resolutions are in no particular order. I too am most thankful for those who have stayed with us and everyday make iKC the place to be.

Lee, yes!  We definitely want in on that!

Lee Smith said:

Need to lose weight. A 100# would do.

Buy more knives.

Oh and figure out a way to keep the wife from finding out.

Charles, my goal is also to stop working someday too. But I've gotta keep the plates spinning a while longer until my daughter leaves to be married in the fall and get the house payed off.

Thats quite good Perry.I too have one child left in school earning his PHd and will get married next year so I have to keep things going. For the foreseable future. But no shame in that!
perry coleman said:

Charles, my goal is also to stop working someday too. But I've gotta keep the plates spinning a while longer until my daughter leaves to be married in the fall and get the house payed off.

I know what you mean Perry.  I worked 44 years after college before retiring in 2012.  Then I figured it was time to quit!

Oh retirement how I like that word , alas 3yrs to go yet.

Retirement. The best job you'll ever have.

That's what I'm dreamin of! Knives and retirement,,,ahhhhhhhh

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