Getting around in iKnifeCollector.com

A good many times I have heard, you’re not set up like a forum and I keep getting lost.  So I have decided we need a cheat sheet.

The main page of iKC is where everything has its roots but from any page you can reach the navigation bar at the top

You can bring yourself to the main page from anywhere by clicking main

Once there the set up pretty much stays that same

THE LEFT COLUMN              THE CENTER COLUMN                              THE RIGHT COLUMN

WHAT IS HOT                        GROUPS                                                     INBOX/SETTINGS

FORUMS                               PHOTO SLIDE SHOW                                 LATEST ACTIVITY

BIRTHDAYS                           BLOGS                                                       SPONSORS




Notice the navigation bar at the top will also take you to the same places.  The biggest different is when you come in from the main page of iKC, it shows you the latest in each of those categories.  There are more tabs at the top that you can explore but this is the basics for navigating around our site.

Have some fun, visit a portion of the site you have not previously seen.  Did you know we have over 70 specialty GROUPS to talk about your favorite brand, outdoor activities, survival, shooting, repairing knives or even the beginning builder.

As always, Thanks for being here with us.  The members are what make our site a home

Jan Carter          

Tags: Navigating, iKnifeCollector

Views: 5463

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How about adding Google Search to the site? Or something like it to help navigate. I come with specifics interest or a specific problem, and spend a lot of time looking, usually for naught. A search would help me and maybe some others.


At the very top of iKC you can find a search bar Bill. It searches all of iKnife Collector. To do a general Google search you have to leave the site to open or open another tab on your device depending on what you use.
Bill Marx said:

How about adding Google Search to the site? Or something like it to help navigate. I come with specifics interest or a specific problem, and spend a lot of time looking, usually for naught. A search would help me and maybe some others.


Oh boy...I never saw it way at the top. It is hidden on some pages when I enlarge the page to get a closer look at something. It also disappears quickly when scrolling which I do a lot LOL. Thank you.

Ha, ha yes, it helps if you can be on the Main Page  and find it that way but anyway, glad you could see it. There is quite of bit of info here and your in for some pages of looking but you may enjoy the hunt!

Bill Marx said:

Oh boy...I never saw it way at the top. It is hidden on some pages when I enlarge the page to get a closer look at something. It also disappears quickly when scrolling which I do a lot LOL. Thank you.

It took me awhile to get used to this forum, but I think I finally figured it out, (mostly; found my way to this thread at least). What threw me at first was that the OP, (Original Post), or the post that starts each thread lives on the top of the page, that is unlike most other forums that I frequent. Having fumbled around for awhile I now feel more confident navigating around the site. I would like to mention that going to the trouble of figuring the site out has paid off, I am thoroughly enjoying this site, and most especially enjoying the people I meet here. I used to work at a music store that advertised itself as "The Friendliest Music Store in the World", (and it actually really was), now it seems I've found my way to the "Friendliest Knife Forum in the World".

That's right Syd.  iKC is the knifest place on the web.

Syd, i found some of the best parts of IKC is just poking around and seeing what is there.   Eventually you get the hang of things.  Almost every forum on the web that has been established for a while is huge and unwieldy.  The difference here is most of the folks are interested in the drama, are interested in sharing, and are more than willing to repeat information when a person asks a question as opposed to whining about it being discussed in some other thread two years ago!

Also people join groups that they are interested it in.  They don't join groups just to bad mouth a product,

Can someone point me in the right direction for rules for posting knives for sale? I just want to make sure I follow all the procedures and protocols. Some sites you have to have a paid membership to post.


Where to post them is here http://iknifecollector.com/forum/categories/knives-for-sale-or-trad...

As far as the rules go, read rule # 3 here http://iknifecollector.com/page/rules-1

I am fine with posting a few knives for sale, PLEASE remove them when they are sold :)

Will do! Thanks so much! I'm not a company, just a guy who had a hard time passing up a good deal last week and now has to fund his lack of self-control. Two, maybe three knives max. I want to part with as few as possible!

Lack of self control...
Yep, we know how that goes,Richard.

Post a link to your sale here Richard so we can see what you are offering, there are plenty others around here who suffer from a lack of self control when knives are concerned, (including myself).

Richard Schuchman said:

Will do! Thanks so much! I'm not a company, just a guy who had a hard time passing up a good deal last week and now has to fund his lack of self-control. Two, maybe three knives max. I want to part with as few as possible!

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