For the new members, the members that have been with us awhile and those asking the question online:

So today someone said to me….what the heck is iKnifeCollector?

I really had to stop and think how to explain us.  We are not a blog, too interactive.  We are not a forum, but we have one.  We are only a gathering place in our live chat.  So back to my stand by, we are a knife community. 

Next question, a what???

I took a long breathe in and said…

We are a community.  A place where knife collectors come to talk about their hobby and sometimes we are where someone realizes they ARE a knife collector.  We don’t quibble about what knives you choose to collect, that is up to you.  We don’t judge your collector or you by the amount of money you spent on it, which just isn’t important.  We love to see your newest, your oldest, and your favorite, to hear about your dream knife.  We enjoy the history of the industry and are fortunate enough to have folks that can help us learn more and more.

Next Question?  So all you talk about is knives?

That made me smile.  Heck no, we are driven knife collectors and talk about that more than anything.  But again, we are a community.  We know each other, care about the families in the community…heck we even know each other’s dogs and pets.

Sooo, you have a big site and you all know each other??

Well, our community is not as large as some of the knife forums but every new member is greeted by the community.  We don’t have a committee for that, our folks just do it.  We have famous makers, large manufactures and knife makers from around the world.  They are just part of the community like everyone else.

Before any other questions could be asked I just added…Come join us, you will find that we are not just a site.  We are a community like no other

Tags: a, forum, is, knife, what

Views: 321

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I certainly couldn't have put it better. A community, a family, a gathering? Yes. All of the above.

Home away from home.

Great description Jan!  When I joined iKC I realized that I was not a collector, I was just an accumulator.  iKC made me a collector!  And I have met and made many new friends.

I think that iKC is a home for those of us who are "old fashioned"enough to still value good manners, kindness and respect for others . This is most noticeable when you visit other sites where these value's are not evident .

Indeed .. John  makes an important & discriminating point.


On more than one occasion .. I've given Jan a "heads up" when I've noted behavior (comments) outside of those values. AND, that behavior / those comments have always been immediately addressed / suppressed. Note: I doubt I'm hardly the only one who's done this ..or.. observed this.


I do believe John's noted "value good manners, kindness and respect for others" is one of ..if not.. THE discriminating factor that sets us apart from the rest. It is what allows up to use the word ... community.


It is certainly what keeps bringing me back ..&.. provides me the feeling JJ verbalized ....

"Home away from home".

.... and ....

How appropriate for Jan to state ...

"Come join us, you will find that we are not just a site.  We are a community like no other".


We are unique enough the average internet user would have to actually experience this community environment to believe such a place exists online in this day & age.


In closing .. Kudos to Jan for maintaining / enforcing those very discriminating values !!!

.. just an opinion ..


In this case

mine , John's , JJ's , Jan's , ..........


D ale

John Bamford said:

I think that iKC is a home for those of us who are "old fashioned"enough to still value good manners, kindness and respect for others . This is most noticeable when you visit other sites where these value's are not evident .

Nicely said - I certainly enjoy 'dropping in' here. Because of the time difference between the US & Australia I don't get involved so much in the general 'chat' but there is plenty here to make me want to come back day after day.

We enjoy each other! =) AND WE LOVE KNIVES!!!

I like that you get involved with the actual site and when we do meet up in a chat it is just that much better
Derek Wells said:

Nicely said - I certainly enjoy 'dropping in' here. Because of the time difference between the US & Australia I don't get involved so much in the general 'chat' but there is plenty here to make me want to come back day after day.

Well said!

Omar Calderon said:

We enjoy each other! =) AND WE LOVE KNIVES!!!

We may not be the biggest but for all reasons you 5 mentioned, we certainly are the best

**Here is to being able to discuss and share differences without losing respect for ourselves or the other party !

D ale said:

Indeed .. John  makes an important & discriminating point.


On more than one occasion .. I've given Jan a "heads up" when I've noted behavior (comments) outside of those values. AND, that behavior / those comments have always been immediately addressed / suppressed. Note: I doubt I'm hardly the only one who's done this ..or.. observed this.


I do believe John's noted "value good manners, kindness and respect for others" is one of ..if not.. THE discriminating factor that sets us apart from the rest. It is what allows up to use the word ... community.


It is certainly what keeps bringing me back ..&.. provides me the feeling JJ verbalized ....

"Home away from home".

.... and ....

How appropriate for Jan to state ...

"Come join us, you will find that we are not just a site.  We are a community like no other".


We are unique enough the average internet user would have to actually experience this community environment to believe such a place exists online in this day & age.


In closing .. Kudos to Jan for maintaining / enforcing those very discriminating values !!!

.. just an opinion ..


In this case

mine , John's , JJ's , Jan's , ..........


D ale

John Bamford said:

I think that iKC is a home for those of us who are "old fashioned"enough to still value good manners, kindness and respect for others . This is most noticeable when you visit other sites where these value's are not evident .

We are the SHARP place to be.....It is always nice to visit the site, along with the Facebook site to see what is new and interesting going on....Or just to add a few pic's of knives your interested at the time. There is such a diverse group of collectors here, with groups for most of their favorite makes and models...The knife makers are just over the top...with great pic's and a wealth of information with their video's ....

IKC is the true HOME for any one interested in SHARP things !!!

I cant agree more with you Jan, and Johns remark was really the reson I joined here. I got tired of places were price, type size, quatity  etc. do matter. Thanks for all of you making this a great place to cisit and belong too.

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