Now to some exciting news.  For those of you that have just started the journey here with us, a tiny bit of background on our next custom being offered in our monthly contest/giveaway.

Don Carter Forge very rarely sells a knife.  It is a hobby he enjoys almost as much as giving a knife to a friend or a young person.  The past few years have been quite an adventure for me, watching him learn to take a small piece of tool steel and make it into a hand forged knife.  I always try to find something special as our Christmas giveaway and this year Don Carter has agreed to give away a knife made just for iKC.

As the 12th of December gets closer, watch here for the details and how you can be the owner of this knife, just by being online

Tags: 2016, December, a, custom, forged, giveaway, hand, knife

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Just posted a couple of pictures in the "Research and Resources" group.

Clauss kitchen or "bread knife" and a pocket knife which I found while hiking.

Jan, I just posted a couple of photos in the "Box full of knives" discussion under "Can you identify this knife".

Day 12 - Twas the Day before Christmas, posted picture of Schrade Oldtimer Christmas Ornaments received from Knives Live TV as gifts (circa 2009-2011) in Jan Carter's Smoky Mountain Knife Works Memories.  Don and Jan, many thanks and warm Holiday Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!

Wow! 12/24/2016! Last day for the contest, but it's been nice coming up with posts and sharing. Today I posted a couple pics of some displays my son and I picked up on his birthday antiqueing adventure yesterday. I posted in the Case group on the "latest and greatest" thread.

Good luck to all! God bless and Merry Christmas Jan and Don. Thank you once again for the opportunity and for banding together this community of knife lovers.

Greetings gang....

   Well its here.. the Holiday season is in full gear..I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS...Stay safe in your travels and spread love and joy to friends and family..we have a positive flow in IKC and 2017 will continue the same..

    Happy Holidays...


Shared on Facebook, Tweeted, & Google Shared!

Thanks to Jan & Don Carter for the opportunity!

Dec 24th I posted here https://www.facebook.com/groups/139511606234647/  Mens stuff Things for men only!! Lol

Tomorrow night at 8PM we will know who wins the knife.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all you have done over the past 2 weeks.  I hope it has been fun for you as we got to know more members and what their favorite sharp objects are.


Travel safe, take the time to say I love you, hold those dear to you close and for goodness sake make sure all the cutlery is sharp!

MERRY CHRISTMAS Jan ..and thank you for hosting IKC.....
Dennis Coroniti

Sharp they are Jan. My wife was cutting a pork roast she's planning for tomorrow and said this knife is not very sharp, and took another from the drawer. Out came my stone and hand made strop - from an old leather belt glued to a piece of wood. 10 minutes later, all four of her kitchen knives were just about hair shaving sharp again.

Happy Christmas everyone, be blessed and stay safe!

Day 13' better one to many than one to few, posted in groups today, merry christmas all. 

Dec 24  --  Posted a comment in the Case knife group.

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