The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Hey folks,
Just wondering here. I am not one to do politics on iKC and I don't want that to be discussed here either. What I am wondering is what happens now?
Covid is over, we can go to knife shows. OOOOPS gas is $5.00 a gallon so no knife show trips?
We were doing okay financially so we could still buy a few. OOOOPS, the world is blowing up and everything is costing the kids college fund. Can we still buy a few?
One thing we saw during Covid is people bought some some forges and made a few, is that how we get through this without withdrawal symptoms? It IS how I get through it!
So tell us, what happens now?
Not sure what to say, other than these idiotic fuel prices my life is much the same. Being a musician I spent lots of time practicing, but since I have been single for years I'm used to being alone. My local family and I continued as usual, though we tested regularly as a precaution mainly b to protect my 7 yrs old grandson. My daughter is a psychiatric nurse and when she was exposed at work we all just stayed home for 10 days, tested and went about our lives. I'm very pleased that inside music is again possible, so I have been getting together with fellow musicians on a regular basis, which keeps me happy, (and I never stopped buying knives, I just slowed down a little). So, other than WWIII possibly being on the horizon, and some medical issues, I'm just dandy. Of course $5 a gallon gas prices keeps me close to home, but since I live in paradise that's not so bad.
Never slowed done one bit, still looking, still buying, graduation gifts need to be bought, retirement gifts need to be bought, Bday gifts need to be bought.....
I echo Scott - haven't slowed down one bit. If anything, I have picked up the pace.
I decided to grow some relationships here on iKC...and I gotta say it's been fun! I make it point to welcome new members - as do many of us. But then I follow up with them, making myself available should they have questions or just need some directions. As a result, both the breadth and depth of some of these on-line relationships have grown exponentially. Can I get an A-Men?
I'm still buying knives and bayonets - doing my part in keeping the trade alive!
Sold a few knives - doing my part to circulate quality pieces keeping the economy strong. (Ok - that was a stretch...but you get my point)
But I think the biggest thing I have taken on is a renewed purpose to use what I have to help meet the need of others. I know how to create a new normal - I'm Polish - Poles have been doing that for centuries. It's one thing to help out during a defined crisis - be it a natural disaster or a two year interruption of everyday life. But to create a new normal isn't always easy for others. It's one thing to say we need to adapt, it's another to embrace it and then thrive....healthfully.
So what happens now? Well...we look for the need, we secure the resources, and we act. I know - that's easier said than done...but that doesn't make it any less possible! :-)
I'm not rightly sure, Jan.
Not wanting to get into politics either, but the high prices have got me down.
Not only prices going up but my retirement savings and stocks have dropped for the last several months.
I spend my week watching Isabelle, most every day and take two of my nieces to school every morning. I told Linda, last week, that I'll be ordering more rather than trying to drive around to find what I'm looking for.
(The reminder of this post was removed by a moderator due to the poster going off on a rant.)
Agree with everything being said. I am basically retired and have really been concerned
about my hits on the IRA's.
I was hoping that once the Covid pandemic became less I would do more knife shopping and
Good question.
We're actually in a better financial position now in a lot of ways than we were 2 years ago: no more parking ramp expenses, far less need to purchase gas, and no more childcare expenses since we both worked from home for so long (& I still do, in a much lower stress job than I had 2 years ago). And our son's rare but very serious health condition has been mostly under control with some very (VERY) expensive new medication that insurance fortunately currently covers.
Of course we can no longer afford to move, given the soaring housing prices. And while many people feel comfortable going out now, having had Covid twice gives me pause. And the sudden return to the Cold War has also brought back some serious anxieties I had before the Berlin Wall fell in '89 -- even writing this sentence is making me shake a little. And all of this makes the prospect of a very needed career change even more formidable.
So I don't know. I think coming out of all of this relatively in tact would be a huge win all on its own. My heart goes out to those who haven't, and who won't, and to those who have lost and will lose people they love. We're lucky to have survived so far, and hopefully our luck holds. I look forward to being able to put all this in our rear-view mirror, hopefully sooner rather than later, and that the future holds better circumstances for us all. :)
Myself I have a Car that gets good mileage, but still the sting of high priced Half Gasoline half Something else still hurts when I fill it up! I will get political in an instant. My opinion is mine and i don't ask anyone to agree with me. I thank GOD that The Leftist Government has not taken my right to think for myself away. They took my freedom of choice away during the MAN made China Virus disease and propaganda associated with the disease . Yeah we got jabbed so we could do things we liked. Yeah I had family and friends die from it. I still believe it was designed to Murder Older people who were over weight and had other health issues. I just hope the Government lets China Die and moves on to something else like the War. I also believe the current Price increase and the War is ALL government Leftist Socialist controlled to drive fuel to the point that their E.V. will look good to buy!!!
As far as Knives go every Name brand i see is WAY over priced for me on ebay and from the Dealers i have information on. I have long since given up on bidding on Case, Case Classic, Boker, GEC, Camillus, Winchester. Remington. I look at Rough Rider and White Tail now looking for patterns i like. I just can't bring myself to give over a Hundred Dollars for a knife that i don't believe will ever be worth that price to resell. I also don't figure I have many years left so why speculate on over priced things I really don't like or need. The Market has gone crazy or maybe it is the sellers that think every pocket knife is made of Gold, I don't. SO since 2020 I have bought 2 case 65 patterns these were 2020's that I am betting will be worth something to my Heirs some Day. If not then they would make nice Weights to fish with. Well got to go for now maybe later i will post more. Have a Blessed Day.
I'm still going to gun shows. Non in this aread have been canceled. I do think that the shows are really hurting because a lot of the venders are not going and thus, the crowds are down. Gas is going to get higher and that will affect the shows greatly. we jus suck it up and go and do the best that we can.. It's just a hobby with me so, thank goodness, I don't have to depend on the shows to make it...We go and have a great time and come what may.
I agree with many of the comments made here. The wife and I have been retired for almost a year now and in the midst of getting used to that have seen our retirement savings dwindle some. I am using her equinox more for the occasional run to town instead of my "94" vintage 4 wheel drive pickup. Don't put ethanol in it so am stuck with the REAL high priced stuff. Not much knife buying, I like to use the sharp stuff I have. We're tryin to get caught up on some projects around the "estate" that weren't getting done when we were working. The last several years I ran out of poop after work and let things slide a little. So we're steering some of our fun money towards materials and supplies for that. I know I don't have to tell anyone whats happened to the price of that stuff. Given the current political climate, world climate, economic climate, fill in the blank climate, theres plenty to complain about and I do. But it all is a lot like the weather, dress appropriately and go do what you wanna or gotta do.
Well I was able to get a knife "fix" this past weekend at the Hammer In AND we had people that travelled from as far as Nebraska just to be there. When asking what comes next of the forging crowd you get very few variables. All answered ... High carbon steel recycled from old saws and the like. LOL, you gotta love it
Oh glad it was a great success for you...and a "fix" as well.
And yes, I have a great collection of blades made from D2, 440 A & C, 154CM, 52100 Bearing, and 420 J2, but there's nothing like the feel and care for a knife made from old school high carbon steel recycled from saw blades, files, and springs!
Jan Carter said:
Well I was able to get a knife "fix" this past weekend at the Hammer In AND we had people that travelled from as far as Nebraska just to be there. When asking what comes next of the forging crowd you get very few variables. All answered ... High carbon steel recycled from old saws and the like. LOL, you gotta love it
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