Mine is a 73 brimstone just a solid knife

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I've only got 2 GE patterns, the iKC knife and Geppetto whittler.  Been carrying the Geppetto after it arrived.  Waiting on a GE knife slip for the club knife, so I can carry it also.

Dana, the true EDC's are as previously described. They have an S stamp on the tang from the factory. They are not really seconds. True seconds are supposed to be only sold/given to GEC employees and not issued to the public from what I have been told. Most of us refer to EDC's as just any knife that wehave decided to be in our carrying rotation. I am personally trying to have at least one knife of all my favorite patterns that I collect as an EDC knife. My regular GEC EDC's are a Frontier Bone #72 lockback, a Frontier Bone #62 Easy Pocket Courthouse Whittler and an Appaloosa Bone New Aged #25 Wharncliffe Barlow. I have a few that I am trying to work into that rotation too - a #89 New Aged Executive Whittler in Cocobolo, a White Owl in Burnt Stag, a #85 teardrop jack Blade Forums knife and maybe my iKC #72 Lockback  (I may have overlooked a couple too). I have a few other EDC's made by other makers too but they don't get much pocket time anymore. I only have one true GEC EDC from the factory - a Pearl acrylic Powderhorn. Whatever it's defect(s) are I can't really see it/them. I have heard from others that some of the factory EDC's are more noticeable than others/mine though.

Tom, Awesome. My addiction is getting worse (but I love it.) Just added a #65 Ben Hogan in Sambar to the list.

Tom thanks for adding to that i forgot all about the S stamped knives i have 2 of them . Dana I hyave been wanting to try the hogans dont have none yet but i will add 1 in the future

The Gec Factory designates these knives as "Store Only" , hence the "S" stamping. Originally they were only sold out of the GEC Factory Store. The EDC designation is from Distributors.

Bob, thanks for the info.


Tom and Bob are both right.  The "S" on the tang literally means store knife.  The dealers choose to call them EDC.  It is an old collectors anagram for everyday carry.  EDC just distinguishes the knife as one that is cariied and used.  Collectors look for that term when buying a "user".  They cost a little less and a small scratch or slight blemish is not a determent for a knife a knife you going to carry or the quality of the knife.

It is rare to see a GEC with "2" on the tang.  They do not leave the factory on many occasions but some are for sale to the factory workers only.  They are employee designated carry 

Thanks Jan, I've been learning a lot lately.

I've picked at least one GEC to be carried from each pattern I have. Right now I've narrowed my carrying to these 3 for 99% of my activities although I've been carrying the #68 White Owl instead of the #33 Conductor to work to give it a fair try.

Those are all great. I too EDC a Bull Nose quite a bit, great knife and I hope we see more out of GEC soon.

And the White Owl is high on my list, those scales look really good to me. 

My favorite EDC  is without a doubt my 85 bullet jack.  Great knife!


Nice EDC's.  Thats Krypontine is really something in person, very nice.



You are too right.  That 85 is a great knife.  Easy size and weight for every day carry in a very eye pleasing package 


White River Knives

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