iKnife Collector 2012 Community Knife/We Want Your Opinion On Our Next!

Moving forward in bringing to life the iKnife Collector 2012 Community Knife!!!

So far we are all in the pocket knife camp and we have had some great discussions about style..  Thank you Alexander for putting my thoughts into a language we all speak,

Frame first, then blades, then handle materials then extra's?

So far if I have been listening correctly we are looking at







1/2 congress

dogleg jack

My vote is for the Geppetto whittler.  For those of you unfamiliar with the pattern



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There is still time to mention a favorite you may have in mind!

mini coke bottle pattern.....since case has it in the vault......lol

I like the "Geppetto" aka "Seahorse". I like Wharncliffe blades in these slipjoints. Or a Large Toothpick.


Thanks for replying.  I would like to hear from as many as possible before we sit down to talk $$.  Want to get the best bang for our buck


I dont want to discount the mini cokebottle.  It does seem that only case is geared to make that knife right now.  If we have to pay for tooling equipment, it gets costly

How about a Conductor  with three blades making it a whittler? Or a modified White Owl making it a moose or a whittler? I have about five of the Geppettos and they look nice and are fairly hand friendly but I really preferred that pattern with the main blade on the other end as a Dogleg Jack. Since GEC is currently working on two different variations of this frame and two other variations already exist I think its a bit played out already but that is just my opinion. My preference would be something that is a little unique. The last BF knife (the #85) had the screwdriver which no other GEC has had to my knowledge which was cool IMO.  I guess whatever makes the most people happy is the way to go though. Stockman or whittler? Maybe if we timed it right at the intro of a new pattern and we did a twist to it that GEC wasn't doing we could have something that was a little out of the ordinary.

no problem, i just added my choice (even though i knew it couldnt happen) dreamin again....lol but a nice small pen maybe would be nice too.....giggles

Jan Carter said:


I dont want to discount the mini cokebottle.  It does seem that only case is geared to make that knife right now.  If we have to pay for tooling equipment, it gets costly

I'll weigh in with another vote for the Geppetto and second what Craig said about the nod going to the Northfield line if it's to be a GEC production. The Primitive Bone, like the one in Jan's photo, looks really nice, too! I also like the pinched bolsters! Heck, that was easy! Just wrapped that one in the picture up and send it to me -- I would be fine n' dandy with that!

This is a valid point for the fact that some may not be able to afford the larger knives therefore others pay more for a smaller order. I would like a nice Medium sized multi-blade knife with pinched blosters and nice stag scales, what pattern doesn't matter as long as everyone can afford to get one.

Tom Peterson said:

How about a Conductor  with three blades making it a whittler? Or a modified White Owl making it a moose or a whittler? I have about five of the Geppettos and they look nice and are fairly hand friendly but I really preferred that pattern with the main blade on the other end as a Dogleg Jack. Since GEC is currently working on two different variations of this frame and two other variations already exist I think its a bit played out already but that is just my opinion. My preference would be something that is a little unique. The last BF knife (the #85) had the screwdriver which no other GEC has had to my knowledge which was cool IMO.  I guess whatever makes the most people happy is the way to go though. Stockman or whittler? Maybe if we timed it right at the intro of a new pattern and we did a twist to it that GEC wasn't doing we could have something that was a little out of the ordinary.

Ya'll have no idea how much I appreciate all the feedback.  I am impressed that everyone is willing to do what it takes to get something that all can afford.  Keep giving me the ideas.  Not only will I be having discussions at the blade show in June but just a few weeks later I will be at the GEC factory and have a chance to sit down with Bill.  I too want to be able to produce something unique for us this year and all your thoughts and hopes for what we can do are going with me on my journeys.  Great Eastern is not a given at this point but I can tell you they are a company that is willing to work with us, produce the best they have to offer and get a great price for us.  They proved that last year by producing a great price and donating many man hours to processing our cards individually and doing all the mailing from the factory instead of just shipping me 100 knives to distribute.  That makes them the top of the list IMHO.


Maybe their new pattern will be a mini coke bottle...wouldnt that be awesome!!


Sorry for being on the cranky/critical side when I posted last. My biggest hope is that it is made by GEC and that it is something that is affordable so everyone will get on board. I'd be excited if it could be unique also with high quality handles, shield detailing, etching, etc. something to set it apart from the standard production knives.

No apology, I did not perceive any cranky.  I saw good idea and thank you for them.  I started this early because I really do want to be able to print it, let Bill read it and see what he can come up with for us.  Maybe they will be doing a new knife about that time that we can tweek.  Maybe he already has the option to tweek one but has not made it yet?  The best way for me to tell him what we as a community are looking for...share this info 

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