While headed to Dalton Ga. To attend the Knife Roadshow Donnie and I had a rather lengthy discussion on User verses Collector.  Not people but our own knives.  I recently acquired a knife that he felt should have remained a collector but I had promised to use it and do.

This sparked in me the need for him to use a knife we would normally have admired until it made its way to the safe.  I knew there was no chance of my getting him to take one out of the safe to use so it had to be new.  With JBF Champlin getting ready to send out their newest offering I saw a glimmer of hope.  A stag Eureka Jack was added to our order and a new discussion began! The coping blade finally won the discussion for me.

Description:  Eureka Jack

Main Blade:  Spear Point with half stop

Secondary Blade: Coping with half stop

Steel: 1095 Carbon Steel

Length:  3 5/8”

Handle Material: Stag   

Well, the Champlin went to work! 

Although it did come out of the box sharp a slightly finer edge needed to be done for the work that was happening this week.

The knife performed excellent while it did a number of different tasks.  The coping blade was used to make short work of some back cuts on shoe molding and door casing material.

While the main blade was long enough to get to a few areas that were too deep for the coping blade to reach. The spear point performs well because of the round, the knife will allow you to roll forward and makes the cut easier than a wharncliff would do.  It gets into the crevices of a pocket door and handles perfect.

While the knife could be considered bigger than some you would carry for work, the weight is easy on the pocket and it rides well, without any snagging or tugging.

The fit in the hand is no less than custom comfort.  The swell center has just enough low area at the back to have it sit in the hand with no pressure points.  While the length brings the bolster right onto the front of your hand, making it very easy to use for an entire day without wearing your hand out

No play, no wiggle and held a great edge all week.  A minor touch up with a strop and it is ready to go for the next day. No blade rub.   All in all, with a 1-10 scale the knife is a 9.5 in his eyes.  The 0.5 from a 10?  The coping blade is not dead on center, nothing major and it open/closes without touching the frame or rubbing

Tags: Carter, Champlin, Don, JBF, Review, Using, a, collectible

Views: 607

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Well you know the old saying........."Life's too short to carry a cheap knife" -  one day you don't want to be lying on your deathbed and say to yourself  "I sure wish I carried and used that Model Z Whizbang knife!"

Brad, you are so right!  Some knives just scream "USE ME!"


Nope I will be lying there thinking....darn I thought I had more time to get that Model Z Whizbang knife.

"I sure wish I carried and used that Model Z Whizbang knife!"

I am going to name one of my creations that, just so I won't say that on my deathbed.


I did it, I named one of my 1095 fixed blade knives the Model Z Whizbang. I edited my blog post to make it official.

I should have gotten a copyright! LOL!

Brad T. said:

"I sure wish I carried and used that Model Z Whizbang knife!"

I am going to name one of my creations that, just so I won't say that on my deathbed.

Mind if I call one of my knives "Model X Whizbang"? hahahaha

hey guys... here is a great way to carry a knife you normally wouldnt... a few weeks ago i ran into an ebayer who sent myu knife out in a nice pocket sheath. wel gfor the oprice of shipping he sent me 15 more ...all drawstring type..like little bags almost...they al say different thing on them but they are like felt material and they hold up to a GEC #23 fown to a few i have that are pen knife size.  anyway i didnt read most of the thread... so i apologize if this as already said but when carrying a knife i dont normally carry i will put it in what i cal a pocket sheath...not a new idea i know but one it seems folks dont use that often anymore..   im set now though.. this ebayer looked out and for 6$ like i said sent 14 or 15 pouches all different sizes and sayings on them. they work and seem to even poish the bolsters up...



You better, before I do. LOL

Alexander Noot said:

Mind if I call one of my knives "Model X Whizbang"? hahahaha

That's an easy question with a very difficult decision needed to answer. After buying knives for almost 3 years to collect I don't think I could buy a knife to use without buying 2. One for using and the other for collecting. I'm afraid I'd be kicking myself the first time I nicked it or sharpened it. The only other option for me would be to buy a used knife that I have absolutley no intention of keeping as a collector. I think. There's something about the feel of a knife you want to keep for collecting. But is it actually the feel or is it the feeling you have about the knife? Decsions, descisions. Life is complicated enough!!

I know what you mean.  I had a Browning knife given to me as a retirement gift.  I had no intention of using or sharpening it.  But sat and held it for 15 minutes one day just trying to decide whether to cut it out of the packaging so I could handle it or leave it unopened.
Chuck Parham said:

That's an easy question with a very difficult decision needed to answer. After buying knives for almost 3 years to collect I don't think I could buy a knife to use without buying 2. One for using and the other for collecting. I'm afraid I'd be kicking myself the first time I nicked it or sharpened it. The only other option for me would be to buy a used knife that I have absolutley no intention of keeping as a collector. I think. There's something about the feel of a knife you want to keep for collecting. But is it actually the feel or is it the feeling you have about the knife? Decsions, descisions. Life is complicated enough!!

well Donnie used the Tuna Valley Moose al week.  Look for that review this weekend

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