Mine are the buck 112 the Benchmade Dejavoo and the Spyderco Tenacious!

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I was under the impression that a particular hand size as well as sufficient grip strength could cause difficulties in opening the Spartan. Mine was relatively easy. An acquaintance acquired one that you could drive a semi over and it'd steadfastly remain shut. Sorry for the wishy-washy response but this knife seems to have many personalities.
Thanks. The inconsistent fit is unfortunate in what otherwise appears to be an excellent and appealing design.
i have quite a few knives, but my sog flash 2 always goes to work with me. the knife takes a beating and still stays sharp. i love it.
how is that centofante III working out for you, i love that knife i want one.
while at work its still the sog flash 2 (i just cant kill that thing) and the sog powerlock. while not at work i usually carry my sog mini x-ray vision.
SOG Aegis. Just because it is beautiful, lightweight and comfortably fits in a hand.
Queen's 41L in D2. Just recently received as a gift from my sweetheart.

For some yrs before that ... a modified mini Cu lock by Case.
Well right now the knife that is residing in my pocket is a CRK&T Ken Onion Ripple with the black scales. It is a pretty new knife and the blade rides on ball bearings, this makes it one of the smoothest opening and quickest opening knives that I have ever carried. I really like the blade shape and the fact that it is so thin and weighs only 2.9 oz. So until I find that next perfect knife this one is my edc.

Today and almost every day Benchmade 890BK,Spyderco Dragonfly,Sog small E-Clips!
My current knife in my pocket is a Schrade USA 285UH Uncle Henry Trapper.
Today .. Queens 06L in D2 !!
It used to be a Victorinox red alox Pioneer/alox soldier (whichever I felt like).

But now I'm cycling in my blue Delica 4 FFG.

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