The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Had my son and DIL and grandson and my son's inlaws over for Mother's Day lunch today. I was showing my son's FIL some of my knives. Apparently he cut his thumb with one of them. He didn't know he did it until I noticed blood on his thumb. It wasn't a bad cut, just a bandaid fixed it up.
But I was just wondering if this happens to others?
My dad will not use one of my knives. He has cut himself twice with them. He tell people that my knives are dangerous sharp. lol
I have knife bite marks all over my fingers. I consider them love bites.
Funny thing is, the bites usually come when I'm not using them, but when I'm playing with them.
Not me. (well at least not today).
I was examining a knife at SMKW last year and nicked myself enough to draw a little blood. It was one of those incidents where you feel a little foolish and look around to see if anyone saw you do it.
I did that at the show yesterday...
Cut or nick? I consider it a "cut" when it bleeds profusely and you're debating as to it stopping on its own or trying to think up a believable story to tell the ER doctor without addmitting your apparent stupidity. A "nick" is what I consider when you are sharpening, cleaning, examining, or in some other manner dealing with the pure business end of cutlery and its edge breaks the skin enough to draw blood. I agree with Craig, these are just "love bites". Anyone who handles knives long enough can attest to this. The ones who get "bit" the most are our youngest collectors. Their hands and fingers aren't yet strong enough to control the walk and talk of a really good knife. This is just a part of their cutlery education. Call it a "rite of passage". I also am paddling the same boat as Charles. If I do nick/cut myself, I quickly look around to see if anyone saw me.
When people are looking at my knives someone inevitably aaks, "Are they sharp?" I always answer with "Doctors tell my friends they are too sharp!"
Years ago I fancied myself to be quite proficient with a Balisong knife. Well, suffice to say that me and John Barleycorn were having ourselves a little session in my kitchen with one of my sharpest butterfly knives when lo' n' behold I introduced one of my digits to the business edge of that knife. It was the pinkie to be precise.
Long story a wee bit longer. I ended up fetching the tip of my now severed little finger from the kitchen floor. Washed it off in the sink, did I. And placed it upon a cube of ice for the drive to the hospital. Where it was surgically reunited with the offended extremity.
I hate it when that happens!
So, I guess my answer to your question would be a resounding, Hell yes!
My silly superstition is as follows:
A knife is not paired to you unless it chooses to be so. The drawing of blood during normal handling is it's way of forming a blood bond with you. It gives of itself for you, a little blood is a fair exchange.
Let's see not counting today.............................
I have closed knives on fingers, dropped a knife on my foot(yeah business end went in) and always assorted nicks and cuts. When you handle them frequently, I guess its just part of it. Brad may be right...they want a blood brother bonding with us.
Only when I handle my knives. HaHa Since I also carve I do cut my self ever now and then. Hope this doesn't deter him away from knives.
The worst cut I ever got from playing with knives was one time I was checking the side play (Schrade Heritage Series Stockman for EDC), and I happened to have a bit of oil on my fingers, and I wasn't gripping the blade very tight, and the blade slipped out from between my fingers and the tip sliced across my thumb. It was pretty deep.....probably should have had a couple of stitches, but I put some gauze on it and taped it up and I was go to go.
Moral of this story; treat a Stockman with respect.
Speaking of which, I don't recommend "multi blade knives" you know like a 6 blade stockman. I love to look at them but sure as shootin... if I go to closing all those blades.... one of them is going to hurt me!
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