Had my son and DIL and grandson and my son's inlaws over for Mother's Day lunch today.  I was showing my son's FIL some of my knives.  Apparently he cut his thumb with one of them.  He didn't know he did it until I noticed blood on his thumb.  It wasn't  a bad cut, just a bandaid fixed it up.

But I was just wondering if this happens to others?

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When Max was opening his 5-blade Stockman to take pictures of, I think he lost a hand.

I use a knife alot and every now and then, I nick a finger and bleed a little. I find, fish cleaning to be the one avtivity that I get the most nicks from. I think you will cut yourself less if you are useing a knife that you are use to, and that is very sharp. The problem sometimes is these real sharp knives in your collection that you want to handle, must be done with great care when looking and playing around with them.

Maybe a better question would be who hasn't cut themselves with one of their knives.  My worst, if anyone has ever had a Kershaw Leek you know how freakin' sharp they are and they have that nice little stabbing point on them.  I was using my very sharp Leek to cut the duct tape off of my sons ankles (this is room for another story) when he kicked and the Leek went straight into the pad of my thumb on my left hand.  Deep.  A trip to my doctor and she immediately sent me to a hand specialist within an hour.  There was some nerve damage but not too bad.  My left hand was in a cast for 6 weeks.  I play guitar so I was very concerned about the possible nerve damage.  All is good now though.  It still goes numb occasionally but not too bad and usually a little heat will bring it right back.  Needless to say, I have much more respect for my Kershaw Leek's now.

LOL, I am with Data, we all have at one time or another.  Of course I totally agree with cutting the Duct tape off your sons ankles but I know better than to try to work a balisong Ron Cooper LOL.

I am glad that those of you that have made it to the other side of these tad bit more than love bites, have faired well.

I dont cut myself often and more often than not it is on my kitchen knives.  I am however married to a man that probably should make three trips a year to the ER and doesnt LOL.  Worst ever, using a saddlehorn to cut carpet because he didnt feel like changing he blade in the carpet knife.  Yep, they put his finger back on too

Cut myself, yeS. Years ago I owned a bicycle shop and was in my office and had a knife that I had newly acquired and was playing/sharpening with it and got into a conversation with somebody and inadvertently ran the master blade down my thumb above the nail and opened up about a 1/4 of an inch of me and I began to bleed. Naturally most faces turned to shock as I fumbled with a 'shop rag' to stop the bleeding but it gets better. I walked next door to the Vets (veterinarian) office and asked if he could sew it up. Mike was older than me and he took a look and said yes, but he had run out of zylocaine and could I stand the pain of about ten stitches. Well, if I wasn't in shock already I was about there now and as I was thinking, he quick popped the needle into my thumb. Now I was no longer thinking about the pain I had just felt in my thumb as I was now concerned about how my head felt after 'hitting the ceiling' after that jab. I never felt the second injection as the 1st one had done the trick and he was now going about sewing it up. Looking at my thumb today, you would never find the scar as there isn't one but I recall that day in the late 80's and have since then taken great care with all my knives and treat them with the respect they deserve, as my young daughter will tell you.

Craig, that is one cute little girl!

Yes she is and she is learning young.  Smile nice and carry a big knife!

Craig, The vet?  

Craig, that pic of your daughter is priceless! The expression on her face when that picture is blown-up to its full resolution is so precious and so perfect! She looks like she stepped straight out of a Nepalese village in that outfit, Khurkuri in hand! Thanks for sharing her pic and your story. After that vet sewed you up do you ever catch yourself chasing cars or barking at mailmen?

I should say, Cass herself much more often in the kitchen!

Your daughter looks cute with that big blade Craig!

Hey, wait, we have two Craigs? Hmmm, it's gonna get cornfusing.

What a beautiful little girl, Craig and such a big knife!!  LOL      Start 'em young!

I agree Steve. I have a 5 bladed Trapper that no matter how careful I am, I always seem to get bit by that thing. I now leave it in its case but if someone wants to see the blades I use as leather glove on one hand. Maybe I should just keep a picture out of the catalog with it to show instead.  LOL
Steve Hanner said:

Speaking of which, I don't recommend "multi blade knives" you know like a 6 blade stockman. I love to look at them but sure as shootin... if I go to closing all those blades.... one of them is going to hurt me!

Yes Chuck, open it once, go get band-aids, take a picture, and never open all the blades ever again.

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