Here is mine (6-I cheated)

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Nice Robert, is that a Scagel in there? Or is it  Scagel copy? And if so, who made that one?

my top five Rough Riders

1) RR 078 lockback   Reminds me of a Moki.  I really like this blade shape and it's just an all around nice cutter.

2, The Saigon Sidekick.  Admittedly, I've only hacked a couple watermelons and split a little firewood with it but I think it could take on a lot more.  Still I bought it because it looked cool.  The sheath was just okay so I made my own.

3. White Smooth Bone Marlin Spike (w/ Scrimshaw)

TX Force did the scrimshaw work.  I provided the artwork.  The design is the Mermaid of Warsaw, the mythical warrior that protect the city of Warsaw, Poland.

4, The Paratrooper Bowie.  This is a copy of John Ek's Model 8 Paratrooper Bowie.  The real deal is very scarce and very expensive. The 1070 carbon steel is preety good in the knife.  Ironically the original Paratrooper knife used Nickel-Chrome-Molybdenum Steel, most likely 4340, which was a type of semi-stainless steel. As with the Saigon Sidekick, the sheath was okay.  However it wasn't like the original sheath.  The original Ek sheaths were very poorly made and didn't handle combat well, leading to new sheaths being made either in the field or by trained leather makers. I oppted to make a theater sheath than try to replicate the original Ek sheath

5. RR844 Burlwood hunter  It is surprising that three fixed blades make it to my top five Rough Riders. (I have over a hundred Rough Riders.  I have a love hate relationship with the 844.  I  won it on eBay with a bid of spite.  The thing is, I always seem to grab it when I need a fixed blade in the woods and it always seems to be just what I needed at the moment.  It is just a good solid knife and it was dirt cheap.  I relocted the securing strap on the sheath because the old location intefered with the removal of the knife

Robert Burris said:  Alex, the Scagle style knife is a Treeman made by James Behrrying. I own a larger one in that same style. The one in this picture, I carry a lot during hunting season. { While Hunting } They are my fovorites.

Robert Burris said: The picture of the five knives are my users. Hunting, camping, EDC, fileting and swamp knife. The second picture is some new knives, trying to cut their way in to my users. I do use folders sometime but that's another story...lol

Tobias, I love that Lockback and that Saigon Side Kick. I was suppose to buy a Side Kick last Chistmas but I was stretched too then. $$$

Ok here is my 5 Favorite "older" knives that I collect. I collect Cattaraugus, Robeson, Remington, KaBar Olean NY, and Camillus 4 Liners. My 5 Favorite - 1 from each kind I COLLECT.

Start with my Favorite Robeson #626636 dated about 1922-1939.

My Favorite Cattaraugus # 22379

My Favorite KaBar Olean NY

My Favorite Remington RS 3333

My Favorite Camillus 4 Liner - Navy Rope Knife

A Treeman huh Robert. I love the look of those. One day my ship with money will come in and I'll order me one of those. Untill then I'll just try and make myself one or something.

Real nice, Ken, I love vintage knives. Alex, you're still a young man. When I was young, I couldn't afford a Treeman.  I know you are doing good at work, that's the best way I know to have your ship come in...lol Hang in there, good Buddy.

NIce piece Ken. The way my luck runs, when my ship finally comes in I'll be at the bus station!!

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