Every show I go to brings me a mystery to try to help solve.  I LOVE IT!!!!!

So here are the tangs and handles I am hoping someone can help us identify 

Tags: 2013, Mystery, Queen, Show, and, handles, stamps, tang

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Although a good number of us inspected this razor, no one recognized the handle material.  The one thing we all agreed upon is that it does not appear to have been re-handled.  It all appears to be original.  Any ideas?

A well built fixed blade, any one recognize the tang?

A swing guard with a mystery tang, now this is a first for me.  Thoughts?

Dang, I love a good mystery!!

Me too Chuck!

I thought some old companies called handles like that razor "end of week" handles......all the colors mixed together? That term seems to be hanging around back in the cobwebs. LOL!

I can't make out the letters on the swing guard. Please tell us, the letters. A good mystery is always fun, these may be tough.


Hey thanks!  Maybe that will help us find something

Robert, I have the letter written down somewhere, I will see if I can find them

Hey, I think those handles are call "end of the day". What I have heard is at the end of the day, what ever colors were left over, they would mix them all together. I guess, they are rarer than the other handles because just a few were made at the end of each day.

Geez, What's the matter with me?! That's it! I said "end of week" LOL! Thanks for kick starting my one brain cell I have left Robert! The cobwebs are thicker than I thought!

Ha..Ha...My memory is slipping to, Craig. No, problem, we are detectives on the hunt. If Miss Jan gives us more facts, we might do better or maybe not....lol

Platts might refer to the children N.H. Platts and Debbie Case.  The Platts made knives for the Case but the knives were stamped "case"  Charles Platts moved to Eldred and opened a cutlery company. C.Platts and Sons. The company was handed down.  Just conjecture but I assume there couldn't be too many Platts Cutlers in Eldred.  Charles had five sons.  Perhaps the the sons changed the name or made razors under the name Platts Bros while other moved off with Case to Bradford and made knives under the Case name.

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