Kinda getting a bit crazy about this!  Picked up a couple new ones this week!



Boker Thuya Wood Lockblade

Boker Copperhead



A Boker 1981 Collector Stockman




A German Eye Brand in Stag




My Growing Collection!

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Wow! You are on a tear! Great stuff. It does kind of just happen, I can't explain it and all of a sudden you have all these knives!

haha is nuts, keep telling my wife is cheaper than guns!!  not sure how long that will hold water!

Is spooky when you see all the posts about counterfeit stuff, I am trying to educate myself!

Well we have kind of slowly ventured into it. Our intention is to educate folks so they know what to look for. Its important if you are make buying decisions on $$ knives. On a $2.00 knife not so big a deal but some folks spend a lot of money on a knife and the should know what to look for!

Brian Martin said:

Is spooky when you see all the posts about counterfeit stuff, I am trying to educate myself!


Wow!  You are getting some really nice peices.  From "it is cheaper than guns" to "it is an investment" usually gets you through the first year I hear LOL

Haha thanks Jan

Nice looking collection. :-)

Those böker lockblades are really cool. I owned one for a while.

Nice collection. My wife use to collect stamps, maybe if your wife would collect something, it would help. Some knives, hold or increase in value over time. If and when the economy gets better, I predict the price of knives will grow. We have more collectors entering this hobby, everyday, while the amount of vintage knives stays the same. Remember, that's just my humble opinion. lol

Well, I have to say about your beautiful collection is it would seem that you have some direction already. Copperlocks and Stockmans. Very well represented by 2 excellent makers. Great start.

That is truly a great group of fine cuttlery you have assembled! The "cheaper than guns" is a great philosophy, A single handgun can run $500 and well above. You can get a lot more knives than guns for $500!


There are far worst things you could do as a husband, than collect knives. Knife collecting is a nice respectable and rewarding hobby, that transcends age, sex, race and philosophical views. Enjoy the history and industry of the knife.

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