I am making a display cabinet for my Boker knives.  Is it okay with folders to display them with the blades half open?  Will it weaken the spring?


Thanks Brian

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Preferably store closed.  You dont want to stress a spring if you dont need to 

I've heard stories over the many years that it will weaken the spring over time. So, I've been afraid to display my knives that way......don't want to take the chance.

I'm going with the majority here, store them closed.

However, what about gift sets that are sold with the blades opened in a dedicated cutout for the knife?

You can always open a few up to display when you have guests coming over.If you have open space to display them and appropriate stands they would look interesting and you can close them after they leave. You can store more knives in less space with them closed as opposed to open. And leaving them open for prolonged times could possibly weaken the springs. I'm not willing to risk it for the sake of looks. Once the spring goes, what do you have then?

Displaying them with the blade(s) fully open produces no more stress on the spring than closed. Perhaps do this with a few if you want to show the tang stamps or blade etches etc. Knives with square tangs and half stops could be displayed half-open without any additional stress on the spring.






Ya I think i will go blades closed that will give me reason to pull them out and show them to people and will be more room.

agree with spings...but also say display how ya want...sometimes i will fan open a display for a few days..bu yes majority of all my knives are closed.... also lots of folks forget dont store in the bopxes{especially older felt lined{toss some celluloid knives in a felt lined box and you get FURRY SCALES!...LOL oh and of course fixed blades and sheahs seperate...- agree with all below...

ps- keep your celluloid away rom everything else and the very second it starts to shrink or gas away...pop them scales off their and rehandle..or have rehandled.. "celluloid knives..the knives you always receive  2 times!...LOL" ...IMO. ..

AGREE... good to see ya SK!

Smiling-Knife said:

Displaying them with the blade(s) fully open produces no more stress on the spring than closed. Perhaps do this with a few if you want to show the tang stamps or blade etches etc. Knives with square tangs and half stops could be displayed half-open without any additional stress on the spring.






i store it all seperate when i gets sets like this.

J.J. Smith III said:

I'm going with the majority here, store them closed.

However, what about gift sets that are sold with the blades opened in a dedicated cutout for the knife?

I like to keep my fix blades and the sheaths together. I know you don't keep the blades

in the sheaths so currently have my fix blades laying on-top of the sheaths.

Is this an issue?

@PHIL .. hey phil.. any time your sheaths are within the area of touching any material on your knife. especially the steel you have a problem. sheaths of almost all kinds have natural elements to them.im not going to get into all of them but these elements mix with the steels and other parts of the knives causing discoloration and other problems down the road. im not sure about storig them together..but iknow storing them at all TOUCHING is NOT GOOD.


i store my sheaths and knives totally seperate and just label which go with which.... NOW when speaking of KYDEX and other materials other then LEATHER and natural. i realy dont know.. i have left neckers in a kydex sheath for years and have pulled  out the blades with no issues.  -hope i helped- their is an entire library on storing knives out their.. ill find it and post it somewhere.

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