In a world of confusion and chaos - its nice to remember and get back to basics.

The small Church, where the Gospel was preached from The Word of God.

Going outside to play - without wires, earphones and computers.

Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, The Lone Ranger, and Sergeant Preston of the NW Mounties.

Hunting and fishing - as a way of life. You ate what you shot or caught. And you were glad to get it.

The small family farm - where you had a few chickens, a few pigs, and some cows. Maybe you made your living with 30 cows and 100 acres.

A pocket knife in every pocket.

WHAT DID I JUST SAY POCKET KNIFE. WOW - Some things never change.

Nothing like a good pocket knife in your pocket to remember the good ole days.


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I could not agree more Ken. It was a simpler time then. or so it appears. Don't forget Mumbletypeg or maybe I am the only one that remembers it!

Good times. I like it when I mention in a sermon buying a Buck folder and the next week a congregation member brings me a peanut for my collection. :)

Sounds like you have some good Church people Bobby


You are so right and I am glad somethings never change 

I agree Ken. I long for the good OLD days. Maybe that's one reason I've gone back to mainly traditional pattern knives.

Oh yeah, and don't forget Gunsmoke and Have Gun Will Travel! Back in the days when you knew who the good guys were, and who the bad guys were!

Great memories, Ken! The Rifleman, Car 54 Where Are You, and Sky King. Sitting in the pew on a hot July morning looking out the window at the stream that ran alongside the church and smelling the food for the "Dinner on the Grounds" afterward. Picking okra in the garden with Grandma and delivering firewood with Granddaddy. Chasing chickens to find the slowest one who would be dinner. Camping as a BoyScout. You always carried your trusty Scout knife that hung by the bail on a clip attached to your web belt. You also carried a small hand axe for felling trees. But you mostly used it for cutting dead branches into manageable pieces of firewood. And almost every one of us carried some large fixed blade proudly displayed. That was for highly possible grizzly bear or marauding long forgotten tribe of native Americans that were still bent on wreaking havoc on unsuspecting campers. It always spent more time whittling a sharp end on a stick for roasting weiners than slaying bears or Indians.

We also rode a bicycle without any helmet. Drank water from a creek. Climbed trees without a safety net. Left the doors unlocked when we were home. Accepted candy and apples from strangers at Halloween. Shoveled the elderly next door neighbor's sidewalk without any reservation or expecting to be paid for it. Sharing a bottle of RC with your friend and not even wiping the top while sharing. Treating others fairly and with respect. Listening to your elders even if they weren't related to you.

The list can go on forever of things we used to do. All we can do now is pass along the good things and teach to avoid the bad as these newer generations begin to take our place. Lord, I hope they're paying close attention!

I sure do Ken, people who can appreciate an old fashioned sing along followed by dinner on the grounds. One of the perks of being pastor is they always send the leftovers home with me.
Maybe that is why there are so many overweight preaches :)

Very well said - great memories and a joy to remember back when life was simpler and safer.

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