I took my grandson and his dad to the Ohio Classic Knife Show today in Cambridge, Ohio. Lots of great pieces. I got to meet and talk with some of the guys I've read about. Holding those custom made beauties is almost a religous experience.

I met up with Ken Speilvogel and Miss Sue. That was the highpoint of my trip! When you look at the pics you'll agree with Ken that iKC members come in all sizes. But that's what makes us a great family, diversity. I also joined NKCA while I was there. That was a real treat meeting the head honcho and looking at the knives she's accumulating for next year's auction. They are unbelievable!! I spoke to a gentleman and I'll probably go to the show in Parkersburg, West Virginia next month if I can swing it.


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Looks like a great time. Maybe I will make it next time.

What absolutely marvelous pics!  iKC in all shapes, sizes.  Diversity and having each others back!  It is what we do.  Your so right, we are family!  Did you all get by to tell Queen hello?

Here is a nice Queen display from the show!

Very Nice!

NICE Story about the show Chuck, and good pic's too!

You folks are the absolute best. I thank you all for the photos and the interest in our hobby. Isn't it great when iKC folks can get together!

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