First off, I didn't name this knife. Many years ago, another knifemaker who shall remain nameless said when he saw it " Now that's a real Sunday go to meeting Knife " and the name kinda stuck.

440 Stainless blade/ Antiqued brass bolsters/ Malachite stone and fileworked brass spacers/ Malachite and brass pins/ Snakewood handles

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A very nice knife John, the work looks very good and I like the combination of color and pattern.

Pretty nice. Looks like something that'd do well in a "Sunday" setting and a weekday setting both.

"Exotic" was the word that came to mind when I first saw this knife. What does the sheath for this knife look like? Is it also exotic?

Real sweet, thanks for posting.


Ron Cooper said:

"Exotic" was the word that came to mind when I first saw this knife. What does the sheath for this knife look like? Is it also exotic?

I never made a sheath for it ,Ron, sorry to say. It was kind of a test knife for the malachite/ brass pins and my first attempt at the angled bolsters/spacers. Just one I made to stick in my display case, I'm afraid.

I like it John!

Very sharp

Nice work John

I love those Fat handles.

This is my Sunday Go To Meeting knife.  It is not a custom other than having my initials engraved on the bolster.  It is a Case amber jigged bone mini copperlock.

Case 61749L SS Amber Jigged Bone Mini Copperlock (12)

Case 61749L SS Amber Jigged Bone Mini Copperlock (4)

When not carrying it I keep it in this box.

Case 61749L SS Amber Jigged Bone Mini Copperlock (7)

Case 61749L SS Amber Jigged Bone Mini Copperlock (3)

The only thing that could have made your Sunday Going To Meetin' Case knife any more perfect than it already is would have been to have a long tail "C" for Charles carved into your Case knife box. Aside from that, I think it looks fine n' dandy!

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