Lars Ray
  • Mckinney, TX
  • United States
  • User/Collector
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  • Tommy Bunk
  • Charles Early
  • Derek
  • Dwaine Casmey
  • Ben North
  • Heavy L
  • Kenneth Levin
  • Hddarts
  • Kevin D
  • Dennis Hibar
  • Bill
  • Bill Myre
  • dead_left_knife_guy
  • Michael  Squier
  • John McCain

Lars Ray's Discussions

A Wonderful Christmas Conspiracy

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lars Ray Jan 9, 2024. 5 Replies

If you have spent any time browsing iKC over the last two years, you will have come across the work of member Kevin Drummond at one point or another. He’s that guy who seems to find really neat old…Continue

Mossberg MSG9899 General Purpose Hunter and Skinning Knife

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lars Ray Apr 24, 2015. 6 Replies

Not too long ago I uploaded some photos of my Mossberg MSG9899 Skinning knife into my Gun Maker’s Knives Photo Album. To my surprise, I received several comments – well questions actually – about its…Continue

iKC Member in Need Request #14 - Western W35 Bowie

Started this discussion. Last reply by Shlomo ben Maved May 20, 2015. 17 Replies

The NeedSimilar to my first request, please take a look at this and the other postings I have similar to this one and share with me what you know about it. My goal is to use the information you…Continue

iKC Member in Need Request #13 - Colonial Executive

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lars Ray Apr 9, 2015. 2 Replies

The NeedSimilar to my first request, please take a look at this and the other postings I have similar to this one and share with me what you know about it. My goal is to use the information you…Continue


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If all knives are tools, and they are the oldest tools known to man, then why not own one with some style. I am always on the hunt for an "ideal" knife.

After all - the best knife in the world is the one you carry!

Profile Information

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
I found iKC while researching my Imperial Kamp King knife.
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
46 to 50 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Sharp ones! While I am always on the look out for the ideal knife, I specialize in fixed blades - Bowies, Daggers, and Combat knives primarily, but I've been known to pick up a folder or two when they capture my imagination. In the broadest sense, I am a collector of edged pieces - Swords, Knives, Bayonets, Ethnographic / Aboriginal, and Historical.
About Me
I am passionate about all edged pieces...Knives, Bayonets, and Swords. Always looking for the ideal knife, I collect knives when I cannot afford a Bayonet. I collect Bayonets when I cannot afford a Sword. When I can afford a Sword, I look to see how many knives I can buy for the same money. And so it goes.

I am also a firm believer that a sword is just an over sized knife, and equally worthy of collecting!

Joined February 23, 2015. Never been sorry.

My dedicated email to all things edged: Szabla.collector@gmail.com (Szabla = Polish for Sabre)
Edged weapons, wood working (treen ware), back country exploration, music, Polish cuisine.
I love using the hunting knives I collect in preparing the food I make and enjoy.
Other Hobbies
Hot Wheels, cycling - road touring, Polish BBQ, Former member of the Bayonet Collectors Network - a global community of passionate bayonet enthusiasts (shut down in 2015)

Comment Wall (57 comments)

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At 7:06 on September 15, 2024, Michael Perkins said…

Thank you for the information. I've already replied a couple of times but I'm trying to figure out how to navigate this site. 

At 7:03 on September 15, 2024, Michael Perkins said…

Thank you.  That's great info. I failed at finding out much

At 8:27 on August 29, 2024, Alan Vetter said…

Thanks Lars. Will post some pics of the knife in question as I am a newbie to all of this. While I do know 2 knife makers (Ron Lake and Mike Walker who's here in NM), my knowledge is minimal. But I do enjoy seeing the passion you guys have for the craft.

At 18:07 on May 2, 2024, Rocky Howard said…

Thanks for the welcome Lars. I have collected,traded,bought and sold knives for as long as I can remember. But I never was a student of the history of all the makes and brands. I will certainly be tapping into the knowledge of the forum members. I have divested 99% of my "last" collection to my two son-in-laws and my three grandsons. But collecting is a hard habit to break.

At 9:01 on February 20, 2023, Marc-Olivier Sylvain said…

Hello Lars! thanks for your input i am new in the knife collection i am very interested to exchange with you guys !


At 22:15 on February 17, 2023, Charles Early said…

We moved there in 1999 from TN for work. I retired, and we moved back to TN to be close to family. My wife and loved McKinney too, although I think it was getting a little too big for me.

At 20:56 on February 17, 2023, Charles Early said…

Thanks, Lars Ray. I will have lots of questions..  

I noticed you reside in my old hometown.

At 20:47 on January 29, 2023, Derek said…

Thank you, those cutlass' are for one of my customers on the USS Bataan.  The chiefs mess gives these out for transfer gifts.   Where are you located at? I'm in Chesapeake VA.   If you sent me some knives to work on what would you want put on them?

At 14:32 on October 31, 2022, Kenneth Levin said…

Lars, apologies for the poor communication, had a lot going on lately.

Let's try and get together for a coffee soon.  Cheers,


At 1:31 on October 25, 2022, Ben Bamber said…

Really appreciate your note which came via email, I'll be following that up, perfect!

Owe you one!


Latest Activity

Lars Ray commented on Billy Oneale's photo


"....because the beverage just tastes better when enjoyed with this cup! :-D"
5 hours ago
Lars Ray left a comment for daniel coglianese
"Hi Daniel - welcome to iKC - we're glad you're here! Ooooo...another combat knife collector...sweet! Feel free to show off your collection and accept all the oooh's and aah's (that's half the fun of posting them!). Also,…"
Mar 5
Lars Ray left a comment for jackknife
"Hey-ya Jackknife - welcome to iKC. Feel free to explore and join some groups - I know we have some that will compliment your interests - always looking for fresh perspectives. Lot's of other goodies to engage in as well, like showing off your…"
Mar 5
Lars Ray left a comment for Daniel
"Hi Daniel - welcome to iKC - we're glad you're here! Feel free to explore and join some groups, throw out some pic's for all of us to ooh and ahh over, and add comments to any discuissions that strike your fancy. I'm actully…"
Mar 5
Lars Ray left a comment for Joe Hoiles
"Hey Joe - welcome to iKC! We're glad you're here. I'm over here in McKinney...just close enough to be inconvenient. I'm trusting you faired OK during the storm yesterday. McKinney got hammered with the strightline winds. I lost a…"
Mar 5
Lars Ray commented on dead_left_knife_guy's photo

Civivi Button-Lock Praxis

"That's one of those photos that's pure genious..."a moment in time". Sophistication and elegance sharing the space with imperfection and impermanence - the elgantly designed knife with it's sophisticated lime green anodized…"
Mar 3
Lars Ray commented on dead_left_knife_guy's photo
Mar 3
Lars Ray commented on dead_left_knife_guy's photo

Boker Kalashni-COB!!!!

"Oh dude...your March selection is as crazy as Dennis Hibar's!  And that photo set - it's perfect! Well done Amigo...even if it is korny. "
Mar 3
Lars Ray replied to Dennis Hibar's discussion A new iKC calendar and a new year of knives!
"Oh that's just crazy...I love it! "
Mar 3
Lars Ray commented on Jeremy B. Buchanan's photo

Me and my 2 oldest grandkids

"Good times right there bud! Love it...."
Feb 21
Lars Ray commented on Jeremy B. Buchanan's photo

My oldest son and his youngest daughter (my youngest grandkid)

"Great family shots there Jeremy...what a cutie!. Oh yea, the knife is cool too! :-D"
Feb 21
Lars Ray commented on George R Naugle's photo

Two old ones

"Oh I love freebie knives...they're like recuced dogs. Rarely talked or bragged about, they are the most loyal and long lasting friends one can have. Whether found, gifted, or borrowed-and-never-returned, freebies are fantastic! I don't…"
Feb 15
Lars Ray replied to Lars Ray's discussion CFK / iPAK Knives - for all those who dare! in the group BOX FULL OF KNIVES
"Oh baby! What a geat combo - Knife & Quilt....could starty a whole new group with that one!  :-D I have to agree with your knife assessment - that is a beauty. It's hard to to tell..is that brass bolsters and pommel or SS? Yepper, the…"
Feb 14
Kevin D replied to Lars Ray's discussion CFK / iPAK Knives - for all those who dare! in the group BOX FULL OF KNIVES
"Damascus blade (1095 and 15N20), brass guard/bolster, sheep horn handle scales, mosaic pins, brass pommel.  Unless you upgraded the sheep horn to buffalo horn or fossilized mammoth (teeth, bone, or tusk), I do not think you could make a knife…"
Feb 14
Lars Ray replied to Doyle Fincher's discussion Tiny Toothpick 2011 event knife.
"Oh I see...Ok. Man those are nice...."
Feb 12
Lars Ray replied to Doyle Fincher's discussion Tiny Toothpick 2011 event knife.
"Doyle - Assuming you have the photo on your computer, in this space where you add a reply....tyope in your message, then select the Photo icon next to the chain link on the menu bar just above.  Once selected - follow the directions...."
Feb 10

Lars Ray's Blog

Fun Summer Project for My Granddaughter

Posted on July 24, 2022 at 17:49 8 Comments

My 10 year old granddaughter has been into photography for several years now, growing her skills with her dad's "hand-me-down" digital cameras. This last Christmas, she got all rigged out with new tripod, new camera bag, memory cards, and a bunch of other great camera gear. Earlier this summer she was showing me some of her photos...lots of them...and I was actually surprised! I mean I have to like them all....she's my granddaughter. But I was impressed with her eye and her skills of working…


Sheaths, Scabbards, Frogs, and Throgs

Posted on October 24, 2021 at 11:47 1 Comment

I was wandering around some of the older discussions recently and I came across one that grabbed my interest. Eight years ago, iKC member Robert Burris started a discussion called “Knife Carry?” and asked the question “What is the difference between a "Sheath"...." Scabbard"... or "Frog?"…


The Cutting Edge: Collecting Inexpensive Knives

Posted on March 15, 2015 at 14:56 10 Comments

Spend any time on the internet whatsoever looking up knife stuff, and you’re bound to hit a few dozen discussions regarding “cheap” knives. In this context, cheap is referring to poor quality in materials, construction, performance, or any combination thereof. Today, cheap knives are almost synonymous with anything made in China, Pakistan, or other parts of Asia.

This is unfortunate, because many inexpensive knives come from these same regions, and they are anything but cheap. Even…


The Cutting Edge: Hidden Gems - the ugly ducklings of knives

Posted on March 11, 2015 at 20:31 8 Comments

We all have them…those knives we bought some time ago…years maybe…that we really did not intend to add to our collections. We see them as disposable tools, junk knives, knives not worth mentioning or are too embarrassing to admit you ever owned.

I have a handful of such knives – those blades I purchased for a specific need at the time and really didn't care if I ever lost it, broke it, had it stolen (no such luck), or just neglected it because I no longer cared about it.



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