Ally Burnham's Blog (5)

Resuce Knifes Really Do Work!

Ok so we all know that you favorite rescue knife can cut your seatbelt...we've seen it all before. But what you don't get to see a lot of is the glass breaker in action. Why is that? Well simple you don't want to break your window. And it is not nice to break you neighbors window (as much as you might want to). Windows, while easy to pick up at a junk yard, are messy to clean up and you only get one shot where seat belt can be cut several times.

Well fear not friends I have spent… Continue

Added by Ally Burnham on May 23, 2009 at 20:13 — 4 Comments

My Custom Ka-Bar BK2

Hello Friends!

Just this past week the NRA annual meeting was in town. We weren't going to go as guns are aren't high on the list right now. But we found out that CRKT was going so we decided to go.

Boy, I am I glad we did. After finding out that SEVERAL knife makers were going to be there we were really excited to go. And what made it even more exciting for me was the day before we were going I got my prize money form the 'My Favorite Knife' video contest.

So with money in hand… Continue

Added by Ally Burnham on May 18, 2009 at 14:50 — 2 Comments

Jogging Knife

Here's something I was thinking about the other day.

A couple of the actors and crew go jogging to help/stay in shape. Well thank you to the intense Az heat they have started running after the show. Which is 11 or so at night.

Now because of the way my mind works...my question to myself (and out loud) was if there was a knife made for self protection that one could carry while jogging...or biking...or something sport-y like that.

So I asked MY resident Knife… Continue

Added by Ally Burnham on May 8, 2009 at 18:00 — 3 Comments

With Great knowledge comes....Alot of extra work.

I work at a Dinner Theatre and my postion is such that if anything breaks during the run of a show I am the go to person to fix it. Now we have shop people and props people and so on the fix something major the next day but if it needs to be fixed RIGHT NOW its all mine. This is my job and I am ok with it.

The one thing I have noticed lately is as the 'resident knife expert' I end up fixing things that are not my department.

For example...the wardrobe manager just brought… Continue

Added by Ally Burnham on May 6, 2009 at 18:30 — 1 Comment

Knife Widows

I was just (trying) watching a knife review buy NUTNFANCY (nothing against him he has great reviews...its just something about his voice...of course I hate my voice as well...NOT THE POINT)

And he was talking about how he was sorry for the women who were 'knife widows' (my term not his) because Bencahmade had just come out with some new stuff.

I get comments all the time "I wish my wife/girlfriend/daughter was as into knives as you are"

And its sad when a couple can't… Continue

Added by Ally Burnham on May 6, 2009 at 15:08 — 4 Comments

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