Here's something I was thinking about the other day.

A couple of the actors and crew go jogging to help/stay in shape. Well thank you to the intense Az heat they have started running after the show. Which is 11 or so at night.

Now because of the way my mind works...my question to myself (and out loud) was if there was a knife made for self protection that one could carry while jogging...or biking...or something sport-y like that.

So I asked MY resident Knife expert (Ken) if they made such a thing. The closest thing he could come up with was a neck knife. I suppose there are the those K-Bar knives that are supposed to go on your ankle...but I'm not sure I would want to run with that on.

I got thinking about it...Some one needs to come up with a fixed blade knife that a runner could put on there arm while running. They put there iPod and heart meters there why not a knife.

Is there a market for something like that you think?

Views: 438

Tags: jogging, knife, new, running

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Comment by Alden Rowe on May 10, 2009 at 18:52
Well if you could fine a street scrapper 5 would be perfect for a fix blade. I think cold steel has some good small-ish fix blades too which are cheaper. http://www.coldsteel.com/bootknives.html this page should have something you are looking for.
Comment by Anthony G. on May 10, 2009 at 16:56
I'll probably put a lanyard on a Spyderco ladybug while I run from now on. Very light, small and sharp. Will definitely give me enough time to protect myself if needed and run away.

I'm not really big into tactical knives. One, few people actually take knife-fighting courses prior to owning a tactical blade. If you mess up, you can seriously hurt yourself or kill someone. Two, tactical blades are usually larger and heavier to carry.
Comment by Salvatore V. on May 9, 2009 at 1:15
Well, I don't think I've heard of anything like this before, but If I had to, I think I would put a wrist band on, and probably anchor an Izula neck knife to my wrist.

I'm gonna have to try that with my cold steel K4 now...

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