Hello Friends!
Just this past week the NRA annual meeting was in town. We weren't going to go as guns are aren't high on the list right now. But we found out that CRKT was going so we decided to go.
Boy, I am I glad we did. After finding out that SEVERAL knife makers were going to be there we were really excited to go. And what made it even more exciting for me was the day before we were going I got my prize money form the 'My Favorite Knife' video contest.
So with money in hand I was determined to get a REALLY AWESOME knife with the prize money (and a Fulcrum Flame but that was already accounted for in the budget)
Now I will spare you the details of getting into the show (like the fact that I am now a member of the NRA and I'm not sure how I feel about that) but once there it was sensational! There were ALOT really neat things to see. Guns and Knives and gear and flash lights (and 15 cowboy hats...I counted)
So we went and found all of the knife makers and had a good look at what they had and what Kind of discount they were offering. (CRKT had 50% off MSRP!!!! Score on the Fulcrum Flame!) .
We were about half way trough the list of knife makers when we came to the Ka-bar table. Now I have never been a huge fan of Ka-bar. They have yet to have a knife that SCREAMS 'Buy me' (or at least that I could hear). But there on their table was what looked like a camo knife. But on closer inspection I discovered it was SKULLS!! Now skulls are a weak point for me. Clothes, shoes, belt buckles, knives, you name it ...if it has skulls on it the cool level just went up..way up.
There were two of these knifes...one in a Desert tan and one in ACU (you know the new digital camo...green but not really green). I had to ask about these knife. Yes those were skulls, yes they were for sale, no this is not a new product...they are one of kind made special for Ka-Bar and are the only two in existence. WAIT!!! Hold the phone! (that was my internal monolog) The only two! On a awesome scale of 1-10 the BK2 is some where at a 6 or 7 for me...the skulls made it a 10 (only has to be a 7 to buy with out thinking) Being one of a kind put it some where in the 15 range. The only thing that could kill it was the price. I was guessing around $250 (good bye fulcrum flame)...I was wrong...

...$125 (SCORE!!)

I will admit I ALMOST bought it right then and there. But Ken is the voice of reason...we had to check out other booths to make sure we didn't find something else. (stupid reason). It was the longest, hardest, 30 mins of my day. Other stands had cool knifes...ones that I would someday buy but nothing was going to compare to the BK2. By the time we hit the Kershaw booth Ken knew nothing was going to top the Ka-Bar knife. (we still at least 3 booths to look at) He of course used that to his advantage...'You can go buy the Ka-Bar now, if I can buy the speck-bump' DONE! Of course I had to wait while he got the speck bump...he didn't want to lose me in the crowd. (what am I...6?) 5 agonizing minutes later we were on our way back to the Ka-Bar table.
I was literally jumping up and down at the table while the sales people ran the transaction and boxed up the knife. I had it! An awesome knife...with skulls...that was one of a kind...and it was MINE...all mine!!!

The rest of the day went with out incident. I was able to get the Fulcrum Flame. (and there was still money left over!!! that of course is going to my new phone..when I get it...but that another story for anther day) Ken got his speck-bump and a CRKT Folding Hissatsu, Dan was able to get a CRKT Turtle. We saw lot of neat things...I found the next work flashlight I'm going to buy, picked up a lot of cards and catalogs. Now my to get list is longer then ever. But all and all I would call the day a WIN...no I would call it an EPIC WIN!!!!

Check it out, there are more picture on my page.
Godspeed Y'all

Views: 120

Tags: BK2, Custom, Ka-bar, bar, blade, fixed, ka, kabar, knife, nra, More…show

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Comment by Ally Burnham on May 18, 2009 at 19:19
I found this guys site the other night and sent him an email...I'm still waiting to hear back. Going just on MSRP and if I under stand his site right the knife should have cost me around $300. I thought it was a fair price at the time now I know I pretty much stole the knife. WHEN I get a gun...AND if he is still round (when the stars aline) I'm going to have him do the gun to match.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on May 18, 2009 at 16:57
That is one mean cool looking knife right there.
Good story too!

White River Knives

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