I found this Case Tested XX at a garage sale yesterday. It dates 1932-1940. The price marked on it was $2.00 but when I went to pay for it the guy said that a dollar was enough. Would you have saved it?

I have no idea what to do with it but I just couldn't let it go in the trash.

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Comment by Mike Bryant on July 16, 2013 at 20:09

Hi Ron, it appears to me that their is a Pin through the rear bolster to hold the frame together.  I can see a slight indentation on the other side of the end bolster but it is not as pronounced.  In the same way that the center pin holds the knife together I believe it is for that purpose. I can see the pin that goes through the front bolster that goes through the Blades but the frame does not appear to be as expanded on the front bolster. as it is toward the rear bolster or the center pin..  The frame was so encrusted with dirt under the skinner blade that I dug it out with a small flat screw driver, after soaking the knife in gasoline.  I believe the knife was dug up having been buried at some time it surly was dirty.  The  scales  are expanded slightly from the back springs but only have 1 pin crack and that is under the center pin on the side of the knife with out the shield. Even now I can take a Loop and see light between the scales and the back springs when I hold it up to the light.  This one doesn't have the Drilled rear bolster

Comment by Ron Cooper on July 15, 2013 at 21:05

Mike, that old Case Hunter actually looks pretty good now that you've cleaned it up. But, I'm curious about what appears to be an untapped hole in the bottom bolster. Maybe I'm just not that familiar with Case knives? And, I'm really not! But, I can't recall seeing one like yours that has only a dimple where the hole should be. I just found that to be somewhat curious and had to comment. Great job cleaning that old guy up -- Kudos!

Comment by Lee Smith on July 15, 2013 at 19:42

Mike I would have saved that one too. lol

Comment by Mike Bryant on July 15, 2013 at 15:20

I actually BOUGHT this old Case Folding Hunter off EBAY. I liked the OLD Rogers Bone!  I cleaned off the Dirt and Rust from the Blades and also inside the Frame.  So yes i would have also bought the knife if I liked the Pattern. 

Comment by Craig Henry on June 24, 2013 at 19:11

Just look at that nice old bone!

Comment by Chuck Parham on June 24, 2013 at 4:08

Absolutely! That knife has earned a home from someone who can appreciate all it's been through. That photograph could be the foundation for a great book of fiction. It could be given a respectful cleaning and be a part of my horde any day. You obviously thought is was worth two dollars even though the owner didn't think so. Good job on a great rescue!!

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on June 23, 2013 at 23:04

Now that is what we call a CAN Knife...one nobody wants to collect...but Somebody WILL give it a home for its history!

Comment by Gary Wilkins on June 23, 2013 at 21:27

Absolutely in a heartbeat. A knife that old would be worth keeping to me for a dollar anytime.

Comment by Charles Sample on June 23, 2013 at 19:41

Its like my Model 1873 Winchester rifle.  I wish it could talk to me!

Comment by Lee Smith on June 23, 2013 at 18:54

Wish I could have it restored but I really don't think it is worth it. I do wonder where it has been and what it has done.

White River Knives

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