I found a Imperial fixed blade tucked away in an old tackle box that I haven't used in several years. I found the knife while fishing and just stuck it in the box. This was before I contracted the knife collecting fever, of which there is no cure only treatment. The sheath is dirty and needs a good cleaning. What do you suggest for cleaning the sheath and what do you use for periodic treatment of leather. All my fixed blades are less than 2 years old and I'm thinking they should probably have something applied to them. Any and all advice is welcomed.

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Comment by Chuck Parham on June 13, 2013 at 4:29

Great tips Howard! Thanks for sharing them. I have a Red Wing store near me so I can get some the next time I take my Red Wing boots in for oiling!

Comment by Howard P Reynolds on June 12, 2013 at 8:40


I think cleaning leather is like sharpening knives - everybody has a way to do it.  I don't do leather work so I don't have any specialty stuff around to prepare or condition leather.  I like glycerine (bar) saddle soap to clean leather, and I only use a little water in the sponge so that I get lots of suds, but only a damp sponge (natural sponge).  After wiping the suds off with a damp sponge, and before it dries, I put a coat of Lexol on the leather and let it completely dry overnight.  The next day I wipe off the residue when dry and coat the leather with Red Wing Boot Oil - slather it on with the brush that comes in the bottle.  Leave it for a day and then take a clean cloth and "polish" it up (clean any residue off and the cotton cloth will give it a shine). 

Stitching:  I have heard that polyester thread is better than nylon - which is better than waxed cotton (against rot).

Comment by Indian on June 9, 2013 at 10:06

WOW....What a great looking CLASSIC....my goodness I am full of envy!!!!!....Love it!

Comment by Chuck Parham on June 9, 2013 at 10:00

Yes Indian. Here's a couple of pics.

Comment by Indian on June 9, 2013 at 9:39

PSSSST CHUCK!!!!! ....Do you have any pics of the knife that goes with this sheath?....You know me just curious!!!....lol

Comment by Chuck Parham on June 7, 2013 at 20:47

Thanks Craig. I knew someone made specialty threads.

Comment by Craig Henry on June 7, 2013 at 17:38

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 7, 2013 at 17:37

Chuck, I stitched up an old sheath or two but it's been years ago. I forget what the stuff is made of. I bought it from a leather shop in a larger city, from where I live. I'll try check around for you.

Comment by Craig Henry on June 7, 2013 at 3:03

You might want to check with your local Tandy Leather dealer.

Comment by Chuck Parham on June 7, 2013 at 2:56

I think I'm going to wash it with water first to get as much dirt off and then start cleaning with saddle soap. Once it's free of dirt, then apply a conditioner. I'll have to also restitch the seam. The stitches have all rotted away. Any ideas of what type of thread to use??

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