The truth is out concerning knives being sold on the cutlerycorner.net website. Its not good.

Thank you for your attention members. I go by the name Don. Unfortunately due to this knife club being associated with my old yahoo email address. I have not been participating at all. Up until now. I plan to update to a new email address. Once Yahoo got mega hacked I decided to just avoid the site for a long while. Until this very minute. I know I have missed out on the many giveaways. Which is a real bummer because I could really use a free knife. My buying has come to a halt due to my finances. So my knife craving is really sky high. Actually, I did manage to get a couple of new knives last month. Nothing to brag about a key knife made by SO, and a nice folder made by the Ontario Knife Company. Model 1 AUS Steel in the blade and very sharp. The handle is a lightweight composite material. Around 5 inches closed with a four-inch blade. I decided to make it my new carrying knife. Since it was made in Taiwan. Would like to know your thoughts about this knife company because up until this purchase I had never heard of it. Oh about Frost Cutlery and their cutlerycorner.net, and Cutlery Corner show. I purchase a Michael Prater fixed blade that handles was constructed from a new color of corelon. Which patent is owned by Frost Cutlery by the way. Anyways the knife had to be returned due to a small fracture I found on one side of the corelon handles. To make a very long story short I was misled and got a big run around from their shipping department. Finally after more than 3 months. After multiple attempts at emailing them. Just to be ignored. They finally just refunded my money. Though I was promised by them and Micael Prater the handle would be replaced and repaired. Furthermore, I found my exact knife called The Deep Blue Sea on their closeout and clearance section. With the crack still present in the handle. They had it priced at its original price of 98.00 making no mention of the defective crack in the handle. This has turned me off to shopping at least in this section of their website. Though actually, I have decided not to purchase from them period anymore. I will try to locate Mr. Prater's text to me for you to see. Calvin Don Rose.

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Well, I hope that my files I uploaded are the correct ones concerning this absolutely horrible business transaction. I hold Frost cutlery 100% accountable for this wrongdoing. Though's of us that believed Mr. James A. Frost, and have bought into his country boy B.S. salesmanship BEWARE. They do not think twice when selling someone a bad knife. Knowing the whole time that it is a defective product. As I have found out the clearance and closeout section contains many returned and defective knives. Problem is they do not tell you that it is a returned product. Some they do but not near enough to keep my business. If you do buy from them inspect your knife with a fine tooth comb.More than once. In my case the corelon handle material used cracked on its own just sitting in its box. I kid you not.

I just avoid Frost knives, period


You should be very happy with your Ontario folder.  Check out their website, http://ontarioknife.com. ;  They've been in business for well over 100 years and, in my opinion, are best known for their military knives, as they were a major supplier during WWII.

As for Frost Cutlery, as a new collector, I, as well as a lot of new collectors, were awed by their late night infomercials.  I still have a roll full of their Steel Warrior knives.  I wasn't impressed with the "Knives for a Dollar" sets, so I luckily avoided them, as well as anything that they had labeled as "Custom".

At least you've got your money back...

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Been collecting a long, long time. Frost knives? Don't waste your time.At best buy it cheap to use as a tool on your workbench. When it gets dull, sharpen it on the stone or concrete cellar steps. LOL !!! 

Welcome Home Don it has been a little while!

The worst shame of all of this is that you have been unable to buy for a while (happens to us all).  You finally get a chance and get burned, THAT makes me mad.  Also angers me that they are messing with the Prater reputation.  But I too am glad you received your money back.

Ontario has been around for a good long time and they have a group here also http://iknifecollector.com/group/ontario-knife-company .  I have been pleased with all my dealings with them

Oh, man, I'm so sorry...  You paid $98 for a Frost knife?!?  For a company that sells 150 knives for $50 (or whatever), I had no idea thy would try to sell a single knife for close to $100.


Like real knives with good warranties from respectable companies.  Frost is not a respectable company.  Cutco is not a respectable company.  Master is not a respectable company.  Budk is not a respectable company. 

Like J.J. said, many of us here have bought low quality knives.  Life is too short, & good knives are too easy to find, to waste your time & money on a junk knife.

I've got my reservations about a lot of companies, I won't go into those here.  But that Ontario Model 1 you have is a strong, reliable knife, & a great value at about $30-$35 retail.  I hope you spent about $30-$35 on this knife, because the Ontario is a much better, higher quality knife than ANY Frost.

It sounds like you buy knives online - is that correct?  You have SO many more resources; avoid Cutlery Corner.  Try these knife retailers' websites:



SMKW.com (Smoky Mountain Knife Works -- more expensive than the other two, & they sell Frost knives, but they sell many other quality brands -- the main reason I recommend SMKW is that you can request a paper catalog).

I'm sure others will have suggestions for you as well.

I just feel bad that people buy knives from companies like Frost, companies that take advantage of their customers' lack of knowledge about knives to hock their extremely low quality junk. 

Wow, something really messed up just happened, I posted a longer comment & it disappeared.

Anyway, don't bother with Frost, & never spend $98 on one.  You can get much nicer knives for $98.  You can buy knives that are much higher quality than Frost knives for under $30 (like that Ontario, for example).

Look for knives from Kershaw, Mora, Buck, CRKT -- even some Spyderco knives are about $30.

Low price is not the same as low quality.  Some high quality knives go for $30 & under, while some low quality knives gor for well over that ($98, for example).  Frost is low quality, no matter the price.  Avoid them.

Sorry for the rant, I just think consumers should be smarter about their purchases.  I'm not saying people can't buy low quality (sometimes you just need a fix), but that they should KNOW WHAT THEY'RE BUYING.  (In other words, if it's low quality & likely to be of poor construction, don't expect perfection, & don't pay a lot for it).

Sometimes, I guess, the lesson is worth the expense.

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