J.J.'s Diner & General Store


J.J.'s Diner & General Store

The community is invited to come on down to the Diner & General Store. Take a chair on the porch and sit a spell. Visit with your neighbors and see what's going on in town.

Location: Down on the "Main Road".
Members: 97
Latest Activity: Mar 24, 2021

Discussion Forum

Chili Challenge-Who has the best recipe ??

Started by John McCain. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Feb 19, 2014. 11 Replies


Started by Craig Henry. Last reply by David Selph Mar 22, 2014. 51 Replies

Got A Favorite Hot Sauce?

Started by Craig Henry. Last reply by Brad T. Oct 9, 2019. 91 Replies

What's Your Favorite Coffee?

Started by Craig Henry. Last reply by Ken Spielvogel Aug 30, 2014. 32 Replies

iKC Recipe Collection

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Jul 5, 2015. 63 Replies

iKC Pit Carvin' Class

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Jan Carter Jul 29, 2019. 131 Replies

Lighter side of Road Kill

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Charles Sample Dec 16, 2015. 85 Replies

Coffee Club...

Started by iKC Gift Shop. Last reply by Steve Hanner Jul 30, 2014. 86 Replies

Out on the porch...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Jan Carter Oct 4, 2015. 86 Replies

New Diner, now open...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Jan Carter Oct 6, 2013. 21 Replies

What's cooking, at the Diner...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by J.J. Smith III May 27, 2018. 103 Replies

Idle talk at the General Store...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Steve Hanner Sep 24, 2014. 140 Replies

Luke the Drifter...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Jan 3, 2012. 42 Replies

Comment Wall

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Comment by Jan Carter on October 25, 2012 at 17:57

Had some breakfast for dinner tonight.  Waffles, bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs :)

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on October 24, 2012 at 20:37

Great heart-felt stories, Miss Sue. The compasion we can have for one another in this world of hate and violence is astounding and makes me believe the human spirit is alive and well. Bless you, please keep some great stories coming. We enjoy them.

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 12, 2012 at 21:12
Those are great stories, Sue. You never know what the future holds for you.
Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 12, 2012 at 20:11

I found these heart-felt stories , surfing for road kill....thought you all might like them too...

Our Daily Bread Diner’s Stories
Our Daily Bread serves free hot meals to people in need in the community including
the aged, homeless, unemployed, disabled, and working poor. Some of our diner’s
stories are heartbreaking and compelling.
x Mary is in her sixties and has been coming to ODB for a hot meal for the last two
years. Although she was employed as a graphic designer for over 40 years, she
has not been able to find steady work since 2003. In 2009, disaster struck when
her mobile home exploded due to a gas leak and Mary lost her home, her car,
her beloved cats, and all of her belongings. She lives on a small social security
check and has been close to homelessness many times. When asked how ODB
helps her, Mary responded in tears “ODB keeps my sanity. There are people
here who understand that once you get knocked down in life, it is hard to even
go to a job interview”.
x Kenny is a 64 year old retiree who has been coming to ODB for a hot meal for
the past three years. He suffers from Muscular Dystrophy and is confined to a
wheel chair. Kenny says “ODB keeps me healthy. It gives me faith and hope. It is
a blessing”.
x Robert is a regular diner at ODB. He is in his fifties and started his career as a
Manufacturing Engineer. His life dramatically changed and his career ended
when he suffered a traumatic brain injury in 1990. He survives on a small
disability income. He sleeps in an RV with no heat, a leaky roof, and minimal
cooking facilities. Over the past ten years his health has continued to deteriorate
due to his living conditions. When asked how ODB helps him, Robert replied
“Primarily it provides me with a tasty nutritious lunch three times per week.
Secondarily, the ODB staff and fellow diners provide me with support which
helps my well being”.
x Mike is over 65 years old and worked as a self employed repairman most of his
career. When the economy slowed, he could no longer make a living. His
situation is further compounded because he has limited use of one of his arms
due to childhood polio. These days he finds himself playing music on street
corners for extra cash. Mike sleeps on the floor of a mobile home in exchange for
providing care for the owner who suffers from major medical problems. Mike
has been coming to ODB for over three years. When asked how ODB helps him,
Mike responded “You folks at ODB are keeping me alive. You are blessed. I lie
awake some nights wondering what I would do if you were not here. I pray for

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 12, 2012 at 19:55
Comment by Jan Carter on October 7, 2012 at 17:57

still want pumpkin pie, darn it

Comment by Jan Carter on October 6, 2012 at 17:50

Spaghetti and meatballs tonight, think I will do some butter beans tomorrow with some yellow squash on the side

Comment by Jan Carter on October 5, 2012 at 16:32

wow, now I want some pumpkin pie.  Maybe I should I attempt the CRKT jack o lantern contest and make a pie out of the pumpkin

Comment by Ron Cooper on October 4, 2012 at 0:42

Way to go, Miss Karlee! I know you're proud of that young lady, J.J.! Good for her!

Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 3, 2012 at 22:50
Thanks guys. Missed the discussion tonight. Wednesdays are karate night for Kaylin. She doesn't do competitions but the next pic will be her getting her Red belt. She missed the "graduation", last Friday because the family was getting ready for the grappling comp. Her makeup graduation ceramony should be next week. I'm rite proud of both my girls.
Punkin pie does sound mighty good Steve.

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