J.J.'s Diner & General Store


J.J.'s Diner & General Store

The community is invited to come on down to the Diner & General Store. Take a chair on the porch and sit a spell. Visit with your neighbors and see what's going on in town.

Location: Down on the "Main Road".
Members: 97
Latest Activity: Mar 24, 2021

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Chili Challenge-Who has the best recipe ??

Started by John McCain. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Feb 19, 2014. 11 Replies


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Started by Craig Henry. Last reply by Brad T. Oct 9, 2019. 91 Replies

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Started by Craig Henry. Last reply by Ken Spielvogel Aug 30, 2014. 32 Replies

iKC Recipe Collection

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Jul 5, 2015. 63 Replies

iKC Pit Carvin' Class

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Jan Carter Jul 29, 2019. 131 Replies

Lighter side of Road Kill

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Charles Sample Dec 16, 2015. 85 Replies

Coffee Club...

Started by iKC Gift Shop. Last reply by Steve Hanner Jul 30, 2014. 86 Replies

Out on the porch...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Jan Carter Oct 4, 2015. 86 Replies

New Diner, now open...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Jan Carter Oct 6, 2013. 21 Replies

What's cooking, at the Diner...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by J.J. Smith III May 27, 2018. 103 Replies

Idle talk at the General Store...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by Steve Hanner Sep 24, 2014. 140 Replies

Luke the Drifter...

Started by J.J. Smith III. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Jan 3, 2012. 42 Replies

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Comment by Jan Carter on March 18, 2012 at 20:03

Another good west coast berry...


Predominantly produced on the West Coast of the U.S. the Olallieberry is a cross between a youngberry and a loganberry.  The juicy, sweet berry is excellent for pie making, preserves, and even wine.

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 18, 2012 at 19:07

Try 'em, Robert! I guarantee you'll like 'em! In fact, next time you're at the market look and see if you can't find some Knotts Boysenberry preserves? I think they're made by Smuckers now? If you're familiar with that Brand? But, at least out West, they still have the Knotts name on 'em. Try the preserves. You'll love 'em!

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 18, 2012 at 19:00

Jan, yep! When I was young Knotts was primarily just a restaurant out in the country with this funky old Ghost Town like you'd see in the Western movies. I can still remember the spooky old house that was there where some old guy who was dressed as a prospector would demonstrate how water would actually run up hill and how you couldn't stand up straight. Everyone would be leaning over while the water would be flowing the wrong direction in the trough. It was definitely magic for a boy of 10! The best part, as I recall, was that they didn't even charge admission! The restaurant and surrounding attractions were all free! That really was a lonnng time ago! *scratches head* Back then a Sunday drive was something you waited all week to do. Now, Sunday is the day you're glad to stay home so you don't have to do any driving and fightin' with other crazy drivers on the Freeways. Ouch!

Wow! I'm having all kinds of flashbacks today. It all started with your fried chicken, too! lol.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on March 18, 2012 at 18:52

Wow, do they sell the berries or the plants somewhere? I have Blueberries and Strawberries in my garden but I could find a place for them.

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 18, 2012 at 18:37

Robert! Boysenberries are a cross between a European Raspberry and a Black Berry. The marriage of those two makes for one of the sweetest, tastiest, and sinfully delicious berries on this planet! Toss a few of those bad boyz into a warm rich blanket of crust--top it all off with some 'nilla eye-scream--and you have a sweet sweet vision of heaven in your tummy! Yum!

Need I say more?

Comment by Jan Carter on March 18, 2012 at 18:03


Knotts Berry Farm, been there but was VERY young.  Had no idea about the beginnings.  That does sound like a wonderful time for a Sunday dinner though and to a young boy I would bet it was magic!

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on March 18, 2012 at 17:57

Fried chicken, yum yum, I love that chicken, and Ron I never met a pie I didn't like. I've never heard of that kind but would be willing to fight my way through a taste test. One slice at a time...lol

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 18, 2012 at 16:33

That sounds good, Jan! As a youngster growing up in Southern California, Sunday always meant fried chicken with mashed potatoes n' gravy, topped off with some of Cordelia Knotts boysenberry pie. The pie, of course, would be topped off with a heaping scoop of vanilla ice cream!

You may recognize the name, "Knotts?" That would be the name of the world famous Knotts Berry Farm. Cordelia Knotts was the wife of Walter Knotts and they were the folks who turned a roadside berry stand into the now famous amusement park of the same name.

But it didn't become a world class theme park overnight. It evolved from a real Berry Farm and roadside stand where the berries were sold to a Restaurant with a wagon train circled around a camp fire and a Western Ghost Town.

As a boy in the 1950's I spent many a Sunday afternoon dining on Miss Knotts fried chicken and then sitting around that campfire on a log, listening to some old-timer spin a yarn about the Wild West. Those were magical times back then.

Thanks for the chicken, today, Miss Jan! In addition to satisfying my hunger it also conjured some fond memories! Happy Sunday to y'all!

Comment by Jan Carter on March 18, 2012 at 15:37

Fried chicken and cole slaw today

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 17, 2012 at 15:30

Pass the corned beef, please!


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